RINO’s stampede for the exits

Good day all. When the Greatest president of the 21st Century took office, one group was horrified by this state of affairs. No, it wasn’t the Democratic CommuNazis, (Although they weren’t thrilled either), it was the Establishment Republicans. This group of swamp dwelling Uniparty globalists took one look at President Trump’s plans for America and went insane.

Their initial attempts to stop President trump began towards the end of the 2016 Primaries when Donald Trump crushed the GOPe’s choice, Jeb! Bush. Like his brother and their father before them, Jeb! was meant to keep the borders open so that cheap labor could come in and continue the policies of Globalism and endless wars in order to enrich the Country Club elites. As we saw, their plans didn’t include the American people and President Trump was elected.

Once in office, he began doing something else unheard of on both sides of the aisle. He worked hard to keep the promises he made when he was running.. The RINO’s in congress, led by then Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, did everything they could to thwart President Trump’s plans to Make America Great Again. This came to a head when Ryan and dozens of other RINO’s of the GOPe chose to not run for reelection and handed the house back to the CommuNazis.

With their help, the GOPe forced President Trump from office, and put the senile pedophile and retired prostitute into office. The Fake President, following the instructions of of his handles, has been issuing one executive order after the other, almost all of them questionable under the law and the Constitution. This culminated with the House trying to Impeach President Trump again with his tenure of office ending within a week.

So hateful were the RINO’s and their allies in the CommuNazi party that they are continuing with the trial in the Senate even though President Trump is no longer in office. The blatant hypocrisy and flat out unconstitutional action was so bad that even their pet Chief Justice, John Roberts announced he would not preside over the trial.

Now the fallout over the Uniparty’s actions has started landing. The RINO’s in the house that voted to impeach President Trump are seeing their ratings at home crater. Lynn Cheney, (RINO-WY, the number three person on the Republican leadership team, voted to impeach President Trump using the January 6th disturbance as an excuse.

This has really anger her constituents, and the state Republican Party has all bu disowned her. There is a move to strip her of her position on the GOPe leadership team, and she already has a primary challenger for the 2022 election. Basically, she is toast.

Now the RINO’s are heading for the door as fast as their limousines can take them. Here are the details from The Hill. (A noted conservative web site…NOT!!)

Dozens of members of former President George W. Bush’s administration are reportedly planning to leave the Republican Party following the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, citing the party’s ongoing embrace of former President Trump.

Sources told Reuters that as many as 60 former officials would leave the party in the coming days, with at least one also citing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) promotion of conspiracy theories as a reason for their exit.

If it continues to be the party of Trump, many of us are not going back,” said Rosario Marin, a former U.S. Treasury official, told the news service. “Unless the Senate convicts him, and rids themselves of the Trump cancer, many of us will not be going back to vote for Republican leaders.”

The response from the Republican base can best be summed up thus:

As you might expect, The Hill is playing this up as a major disaster for the Republican Party. However, the GOP base, including the 75-80 million Trump voters, are seeing it very differently. For them it’s “Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.”

Reuters noted that neither representatives for Trump nor a representative of Bush responded to requests for comment.

President Trump is working on other things, including doing everything he can to destroy the Fake president and his VP, the Blow Job Queen. He’s also dealing with the joke of a trial in the Senate. We’re also starting to see the Trump supporters start moving into position to run for office for the next series of elections. This is why the Country Club Globalists are frothing at the mouth. They’re seeing their grip on the Party slip away.

Trump’s control over the party has been an issue of concern for many national Republicans eager to rid themselves of the former president following the events of Jan. 6, when his supporters rioted as members of Congress were meeting to certify President Biden’s Electoral College win, despite the GOP’s voting base largely remaining in his corner.

These are the same people that supported the Greatest President of the 20th Century, Ronald Reagan. He also went through the same loads of crap that President Trump went through, excluding the fake impeachments. They despised President Reagan and everything he stood for. President Reagan made a major mistake that President Trump isn’t.

He handed the keys to the kingdom to to George H.W. Bush, who, once he won the election in 1988, promptly went to work undoing all the good things that President Reagan had done. Because he betrayed the Reagan Coalition, culminating in the greatest tax hike in the history of the United States, (at that time), Bush was defeated in 1992 by the Clinton Crime Cartel.

In 2000, the second Bush managed to win the White House. The only reason he was not a one term president like his father was the 9/11 attack. He was a flat out disaster as President. His decision to invade Iraq is now considered to have been one of the biggest mistakes the United States has made since the Vietnam war. They had a plan to win the war, but nothing in place to handle the occupation.

After the military crushed Iraq, the Bush State Department took over and promptly screwed everything up. They also screwed up Afghanistan as well. The RINO’s now running for the door are the same group of morons who thought they could do in Afghanistan and Iraq what we did in Germany and Japan after WW2. Being the arrogant Globalists they are, they refused to consider that they didn’t have all, (or any), of the answers.

One thing that the 2020 election did was narrow the number of seats held by Pelosi’s CommuNazis. The people who came in are generally Trump supporters and all of them believe in the Constitution and Making America Great Again, and Keeping America Great. Several of them are now being targeted by the CommuNazis and the remaining RINO’s in the GOPe Uniaprty.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), under fire from Democrats and some in the centrist wing of his own party to take a stand against Trump and remove Greene from her committee assignments, recently met with the former president in Florida and is set to meet with Greene this week.

First Term Representative Marjorie Taylor Green has become a target for the CommuNazis and the RINO’s. They want to strip her of her committee assignments and if possible, throw her out of the House, all because she supported President Trump in challenging the election, and for a few things she’s posted online.(I don’t know much about her, but I gather her constituents were fully aware of most of these things. Frankly, as long as she represents what they want her to, and votes as they ask, who cares if she said that rays from outer space started the Kalifornistan fires?)

The Country Club Republicans appear to want to try and take down Representative Greene, along with the Pistol Packing Mama from Colorado, Lauren Boebart. Mitch McConnell, who just won reelection to another 6 year term, feels safe enough to attack Rep. Greene, calling her a “Cancer on the Republican Party.

McConnell, now that President Trump is out of office, has started moving back to his comfort zone of bending over and letting the CommuNazis sodomize him. He shafted President Trump when he asked him for help in dealing with the massive voter fraud that gave us the Fake President, Dementia Joe.

As we’ve seen, President Trump was correct that Dementia Joe would be a disaster. He’s already invaded Syria, destroyed 10K jobs to date and is planning on completely wrecking the economy President Trump spent three years building. (If it hadn’t been for the Great Panicdemic of 2020, and the governors declaring martial law and shutting down the economy, we would be doing even better now)

The RINO’s might be thinking that they hold a winning hand, and that they will be able to force out the Trump people the same way they co-opted and wrecked the Tea Party when they became a threat to them, and to Reagan’s agenda after he left office. There is just one problem. The Greatest president of the 21st Century is not going to go quietly into the night. He is going to fight back. He may even run in 2024, (Personally I doubt he will. I think he’s going to find a like minded person and back him or her) One thing is for sure. The GOPe is either going surrender, or the Republican Party will go the way of the Whig party.



~The Angry Webmaster~


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