Fake President unhappy with states opening back up

Good day all The states of Texas and Mississippi have decided the time is long past due to reopen their states and let people burn the damn masks. They will be joining Florida, which opened up a while ago and South Dakota which never shut down in the first place.

Besides the usual snowflakes, this has annoyed the senile pedophile, who, under instructions from his handlers, has accused the governors of the two states of “Neanderthal thinking.” Funny, I know, coming from a moron who hasn’t had an original thought in like…ever. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden took a swipe at Republican governors in Texas and Mississippi Wednesday, accusing them of “Neanderthal thinking” following their decision to reverse COVID safety policies, including mask mandates.

“We’ve been able to move that all the way up to the end of May to have enough [vaccines] for every American, to get every adult American to get a shot,” Biden told reporters from the White House Wednesday. “The last thing we need is the Neanderthal thinking.”

Despite the warning issued by health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding a fourth resurgence in coronavirus cases earlier this week, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said all state regulations would be lifted starting Wednesday.

“Starting tomorrow, we are lifting all of our county mask mandates and businesses will be able to operate at full capacity without any state-imposed rules. Our hospitalizations and case numbers have plummeted, and the vaccine is being rapidly distributed. It is time!” he said in a tweet Tuesday.

The CDC’s credibility has been taking it on the chin of late. Recently, they were slammed down hard by the courts, with the CDC’s order stating that deadbeats couldn’t be evicted for not paying their rent, (When they damn well could), and the constant missteps, dead wrong information and then rigging the number of Covid deaths to “Frighten the sheep.” Frankly, the CDC went full political decades ago and needs a major bureaucratic enema.

Similarly, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott pointed to lower case counts and the increase in vaccine accessibility as justification to revoke all state imposed coronavirus regulations starting March 10.

“With the medical advancements of vaccines and antibody therapeutic drugs, Texas now has the tools to protect Texans from the virus,” Abbott said Tuesday, advising Texans that businesses will be allowed to operate at 100 percent capacity and masks are no longer required.

Abbott flat out made a number of mistakes early on, however he learned from them and made corrections, unlike all the Democratic CommuNazis and a Republican Govnos.

The governor’s offices did not respond to Fox News’ questions regarding the threats of a fourth wave as COVID variants are on the rise.

I wouldn’t have responded either. These “Variants” are probably happening, but guess what? It’s going to happen and locking people up to “Protect them” is nothing less then the moves made by a totalitarian government. People have had enough. Of course, you will still have the Precious Snowflakes, moonbats and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex making their feelz known on the subject.

But New York Democrat, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez took to twitter to voice her frustration over the decision, saying it “endangers the entire country and beyond.”

“We are in a pandemic. We know that COVID spread isn’t neatly contained by state borders, and explosions in COVID cases can increase the likelihood of new COVID variants to develop or spread to new places. It’s dangerous,” she said.

Adding in a separate tweet that “93.2% of Texans aren’t fully vaccinated.”

And Alexandria Occasional-Smollett isn’t fully sentient, but that isn’t stopping her from running off at the mouth. Of course, if she really wants to help keep people safe from the bad cold that is the China Virus, she might want to consider the Fake President’s throwing open the borders.

The same day Biden slammed the Republican lawmakers for allowing business owners to open their doors again to help put food on the table, a new disturbing report about COVID coming across the border came to light.

The Biden administration’s border patrol has released more than 100 illegal immigrants into Texas since late January that have tested positive for the coronavirus following their arrival, officials in a city on the U.S.-Mexico border tell Fox News.

This is what passes for thinking among the Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis. It basically boils down to “Punish Americans and reward criminals.” The people of this nation have had it with this fake panicdemic. It was used by the Deep State and the Never Trumpers to force out President Trump and restore the Beltway Uniparty to power. Now the states are saying “Enough!” and have begun doing what should have been done last April.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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