Demands for Flaming Cuomo to resign increasing

Good day all. Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo is in big trouble. However, it isn’t over the lying on the statistics about how may people died in the Cuomo Eldercide. It’s about how he likes to touch everything but the third rail.

It’s long been known that the Flaming Moron is a bully, incompetent and corrupt. Now he’s also being seen as a misogynistic sleaze of the first order, and like to paw the 20 something women who were stupid enough to work for him. Now the calls for him to resign are increases, and being the megalomaniac he is, he’s not only refusing to step down, he’s accusing everyone of trying to overthrow him in an undemocratic manner. Here are the details from Fox News:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo reiterated Sunday afternoon that he will not resign until New York Attorney General Letitia James completes her investigation into multiple accusations of sexual misconduct against him.

“I was elected by the people of the state. … I’m not going to resign because of allegations,” Cuomo said during a conference call. “There is no way I resign.”

Cuomo urged his critics to “let the attorney general do her job” and said calls to resign before the investigation is complete is “anti-democratic.” He appeared to dismiss the calls for him to resign as pure politics.

“In the meantime I’m not going to get distracted by this,” Cuomo said. “What is determinative is what the attorney general finds.”

That sounds an awful lot like whistling past the graveyard, or he’s, once again, made sure the fix is in. The Attorney General is an ambitious little shrew who has been using her office for politically motivated investigations and court actions. Being able to nail Cuomo for an actual crime would open the door for her run for govno of New York. With more women coming forward to accuse Flaming Cuomo of grabbing them is just going to make it easier for her.

Ana Liss, another former aide, said that when she worked for Cuomo as a policy and operations aide from 2013 to 2015, the governor at different times asked her if she had a boyfriend, touched her on her lower back and kissed her hand as she rose from her desk.

Cuomo, being a lying, sleazy dirtbag is accusing the women of lying while saying he isn’t accusing them of lying.

“Every woman has a right to come forward, that’s true, but the truth also matters. What she said is not true,” Cuomo said of Hinton on Sunday. “She has been a longtime political adversary of mine, highly critical for many, many years, and has made many, many accusations.”

However, Cuomo said he was not accusing any of the women of lying when pressed by a reporter.

Sorry Randy Andy, no one’s buying what you’re selling any more.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., criticized Cuomo after his press briefing on Sunday.

“The Worst Governor in America proves more [and] more each day why he has earned this title. This press briefing threatening elected officials is textbook Cuomo. He is a criminal sexual predator [and] a corrupt official who needs to be removed from office. Don’t let him get away with it,” she wrote on Twitter.

He’s also a mass murder Representative Stefanik, or have you forgotten the 15,000+ people who died as a result of his orders regarding covid patients and putting them in nursing homes not equipped to handle them. Of course, that might have been part of his plan. Clean out those he considers “Useless to the Reich New York by using biological warfare disguised as “Caring for the sick and indigent.

Cuomo is done. He might last into the summer, but everyone is turning on him. If the A.G. comes back with a report indicating that Cuomo did push himself onto these women, look for her to go after him on his mishandling of the Panicdemic. I wonder what the penalty is for 15,000 cases of involuntary manslaughter? (At least I hope it was not intentional. If it was, he needs to take a seat in Olde Sparky)


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