Media on Flaming Cuomo, then and now

Good day all. For a year, the Mostly Stupid Media has been all but tongue bathing Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo of his “Handling” of the Panicdemic. Even when it came out that his policies killed thousands, they still covered up for him.

Then news started coming out that not only had Flaming Cuomo managed to kill thousands of elderly people, the numbers were far worse, and he tried to cover up the scale of his eldercide. Even still, there were still “Journalists” who were happy to perform fellatio on him. Then out came the reports of his using his position to harass 20 something woman in his office. Almost overnight Cuomo went from “Andy Dahling! I want to bear your children!” to “Andrew who?” Here are the details from Fox News:

Liberal pundits and reporters who showered New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with praise and accolades are backtracking amid a pair of high-profile scandals that have tarnished his political future.

Cuomo has been accused of sexual harassment or unwanted sexual advances by multiple women while still under fire over his handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Suddenly, the former media darling is facing calls to step down from critics on both sides of the aisle and Empire State lawmakers have moved to repeal his executive powers.

Daily Beast editor-at-large Molly Jong-Fast once penned a featured about her coronavirus-era crush on the governor. “All of a sudden, I love Governor Cuomo, his soothing Queens accent, his stories about his dad Mario,” Jong-Fast wrote in March 2020.  

Oh God, I think I may vomit.

What a difference a year and a few scandals make.

Jong-Fast’s latest piece is headlined, “‘My Cuomo ‘Crush’ Turned Out to Be Stockholm Syndrome,” aims to distance herself from the embattled governor.

“The piece was extremely bad and not at all good,” she wrote.

It gets worse for the Flaming idiot. All the media suck ups are not doing everything they can to run away from Cuomo as far and as fast as their tiny little feet can carry them.

Star New York Times media columnist Ben Smith apparently deleted an old tweet that declared,” All Andrew Cuomo’s worst qualities are serving him, and New York, well.”

Yeah good luck with that dumbass. What happens on the internet stays on the internet.

CNN editor-at-large Chris Cillizza has completely changed his tune on the “Love Guv,” too. Cillizza, who once suggested Cuomo could be the “single most popular politician in America” and “the most important voice in the coronavirus crisis.”

Cillizza wrote last year, “Andrew Cuomo said he’ll never run for president. That’s a mistake.”

However, Cillizza doesn’t appear to be a huge fan of Cuomo anymore. On Monday he published a feature headlined, “Andrew Cuomo is trying to stall on sexual harassment allegations. It won’t work.”

It goes on and on as Cuomo’s former love slaves all turn on him. Even the failed Fake News site, (They are failures at manufacturing the news. Why, Their parody stories keep coming true), the Babylon Bee noted how the Moonbat Media have moved from robotically sucking up to Cuomo to turning on him.

“According to experts, Governor Cuomo has been officially deemed bad by all the experts, even though he was good just a few short weeks ago. Experts also agreed that you should agree with them or you’re failing to trust the experts, which is bad,” the satirical site joked.

Those poor writers at the Babylon Bee. No matter how hard they try to make up stories, they just can’t hold a candle to the professionals like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Slimes, The Washington Compost… I think the only way the Bee can’ regain it’s standing in manufacturing News is to become a “Credentialed News Service.” Then they can hire a better breed of liars journalists.

As for Flaming Cuomo? As I write this, even more bad news is coming out on his handling of the Panicdemic, but that is for another post. (Damn, these stories are coming to fast for me to keep up with. You should see what I have in my queue)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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