Chinese Spy Eric Salwell sues Trump because his Feewings were hurt

Good day all. Representative Eric Salwell, (D-PRC), has made a name for himself over the last few years. Genocidal mass murder wannabe, Chinese spy and now we can add Whiny little overly sensitive Precious Snowflake.

Nuke Americans Salwell is “Emotionally distressed” because he was “Scared” when a large group of people actually expected to have their grievances heard and were a bit forceful about it. This worthless pile of poo blames President Trump because he is such a wimp. Here are the details from The Blaze:

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California is suing former President Donald Trump and his allies over the Capitol riot. Swalwell claims that the unrest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6 caused him to suffer from “severe emotional distress.”

The civil lawsuit, filed Thursday in federal court in Washington, alleges that Trump and his allies are “responsible for the injury and destruction” from the riot at the U.S. Capitol. The suit targets Trump, his personal attorney Rudy Guiliani, Donald Trump Jr., and Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama for their alleged roles in January’s violence at the Capitol.

“Donald Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., his advisor Rudy Giuliani, and Congressman Mo Brooks, together with many others, defiled that sacrament through a campaign of lies and incendiary rhetoric, which led to the sacking of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” the lawsuit reads.

Oh now the January 6th incident has been upgraded from insurrection to a sacking. Probably because someone walked off with a podium and a couple of pens. (There was a laptop stolen, but that was for espionage purposes. The traitor intended to sell it to either the Russians or the Chinese) Of course, what Antifa and the BCLOM have been doing for the past year is just “Loud and boisterous protesting.”

The 65-page complaint claims that the defendants engaged in “conspiracy to violate civil rights,” “neglect to prevent interference with civil rights,” “incitement to riot,” “inciting assault,” “disorderly conduct,” and “terrorism.”

“In claiming for weeks that President Biden’s victory was in fact the largest act of fraud in American history; in seeing that some of Trump’s supporters were willing to engage in violence in response to such claims; and in using highly inflammatory language in repeating the false claims of fraud at the rally before sending the crowd to the Capitol, the Defendants at a minimum acted negligently,” the complaint alleges.

The suit alleges that the defendants “by force, intimidation, or threat, agreed and conspired among themselves and with others to prevent members of Congress, including the Plaintiff, and Vice President Mike Pence from counting the Electoral College Votes and certifying President Biden and Vice President Harris as the winners of the 2020 presidential election.”

Is this fool really going to go there? Why yes, this fool IS going to go there!

The lawsuit also sues all four defendants for “infliction of emotional distress” over the Capitol riot.

“Defendants intentionally, or at a minimum recklessly, caused the severe emotional distress suffered by the Plaintiff in connection with the January 6 attack,” the complaint states. “Defendants are furthermore vicariously liable for, and aided and abetted, the rioters’ negligent infliction of emotional distress upon the Plaintiff.”

Gee, I wonder if I can sue Salwell for emotional distress after he threatened to use nuclear weapons on American gun owners? I’m no lawyer, but I see so many lines of inquiry for the defense, (I think that is the correct terminology), that at best, this will be laughed out of court, and at worst, (From Salwell’s point of view), could end up with him paying President Trump and the others for court costs and legal fees, and possibly allow into evidence the massive election fraud Comrade Salwell claims didn’t happen.

The lawsuit claims that Swalwell “took off his jacket and tie” to prepare to engage in a physical altercation against the crowd who had infiltrated the Capitol building.

“The Plaintiff prepared himself for possible hand-to-hand combat as he took off his jacket and tie and searched for makeshift instruments of self-defense,” the lawsuit claims. “He listened in shock as the House Chaplain — a veteran of war herself — began praying for the members from the Rostrum. As the Plaintiff watched this horror unfold, he texted with his wife in what he felt could be his last moments, telling her ‘I love you very much. And our babies.'”

If those protesters were anything like the Antifa and BCLOM thugs that Salwell has supported, they would have mopped the floor with him. In fact, they weren’t. Once the protestors got inside, most of them acted like tourists. There was no looting, no burning and the only real violence was committed by a trigger happy cop. All this is is yet another attempt by the Democratic CommuNazis to “Get Trump!” and will be just as successful as all the other attempts. It also shows the world that the Democrats are nothing more then a pack of cowardly wimps who fold at the slightest provocation.

Now, how about what happened early in the Trump administration when a “DEMOCRAT” opened fire on a group of Republicans, wounding several? Only the fact that like most Progressive Liberal Democrats, the shooter was an incompetent moron and didn’t bother to zero his rifle before trying to flip the house and senate to the Democrats the hard way, kept the damage from being worse then it was.

I expect this suit and another by another scumbag democrat, Bennie Thompson will dismissed fairly quickly. If not, I expect the defendants to basically rampage through congressional and Democrat Party files during the discovery process. It’s already been determined that President Trump didn’t know about the incident and had offered to bring in additional security. Interestingly, it was turned down by…The Democrats.

I think the Democrats are absolutely terrified of President Trump and the people who support him. All of these accusations and what not, have very little basis in fact, but then Progressives don’t have much interest in facts these days. I also don’t believe they are thinking things through with these lawsuits. Salwell and Thompson will have to provide testimony, and they aren’t going to like the questions put to them. I think they better hope that the judge quickly dismisses these cases otherwise that hole they’re digging for themselves might end up being the graves of their political careers.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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