We shot a Bezos into the air. Where he lands, no one cares

Good day all. Recently, Jeff Bezos, ultra rich founder of Amazon, and classic robber baron, announced that he was going to fly into space with his brother as the first passengers of his space tourism company. However, it seems that there are a couple of petitions regarding the flight

The petitions aren’t to stop the launch from taking place, rather the opposite. People want Jeff Bezos to launch himself into orbit. No, the petitions are to keep him there and not let him come back to Earth. Here are the details from the New York Post:

More than 60,000 people have signed petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after his Blue Origin space flight next month. Days after the Amazon founder announced earlier this month that he and his brother Mark would fly on his space tourism company’s first passenger flight to space, two petitions launched calling to prevent Bezos from coming back home.

One of the petitions, titled “Do not allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth,” has garnered more than 40,300 signatures.

Billionaire’s should not exist…on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter they should stay there,” the creator of that Change.org petition wrote.

Well, to be honest, with people that Bezos helped into the White House and Congress, the dollar is going to implode and make being a billionaire pretty standard once the Dollar collapses.

And more than 20,000 people have signed another, titled “Petition To Not Allow Jeff Bezos Re-Entry To Earth.”

The author of the petition also claims that Bezos, 57, has “worked with the Epsteins and the Knights Templar, as well as the Free Masons to gain control over the whole world.”

Meanwhile our government stands by and lets it happen,” they conclude. “This may be our last chance before they enable the 5G microchips and perform a mass takeover.”

Ok, if you say so chum. Still, I think we have better reasons to prevent Bezos from returning. One of which is the rigged auction to let someone else fly with him.

The July 20 flight will bring Bezos, his brother, an auction winner who paid $28 million for a seat and one more crew member to the edge of space on the New Shepard, Blue Origin’s rocket system, which has flown more than a dozen successful uncrewed test flights.

The rocket system is designed to carry as many as six people at a time on a ride to the edge of space. The passenger capsule has huge windows that give passengers a gaping view of Earth. Passengers will spend a few minutes in zero gravity before returning to Earth.

So this is just a suborbital flight? They aren’t actually going to make it into obit after all?

I do have a few questions. First, who is going to enforce a no reentry order? The current maladministration isn’t enforcing the current laws on the border as it is. The second problem would be how to enforce the order. Perhaps we might use one of these items to prevent Bezos from coming back? Of course, if the pilot is one of the Amazon delivery drivers, the whole problem might solve itself.


Perhaps Bezos might want to take the hint that people are not happy with his actions, especially with the attempted murder of Parler.com earlier this year. A lot of companies are rethinking their reliance on Amazon Web Services thanks to the blatant antitrust actions carried out by Amazon and the other big tech companies. Somehow, I doubt that is going to work with him. Like all ultra-rich progressives, he thinks he knows everything. That worked out real well for John D. Rockefeller.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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