High Ranking Chinese agent defects to America

Good day all. This story has been flying under the radar for a number of reasons. One is security of course, the other is that the CommuNazi Propaganda Corps has been ordered to flush it down the memory hole.

It seems that a very high ranking official with the Communist Chinese government defected to the United States, and he brought a few interesting things with him such as the Chicom bioweapons program. Here are some of the details from he Federalist Papers:

In early June, RedState editor Jennifer Van Laar broke an exclusive story: Sources within the intelligence community had confirmed to the outlet that a high-ranking official from the Chinese Communist Party had defected to the United States in February and has been quietly working with the Defense Intelligence Agency.

However, the DIA did not disclose the defector’s existence to any individuals outside of its Clandestine Service network until recently, the sources alleged, over concerns that “Chinese spies or sources” may have infiltrated other U.S. intelligence agencies, including as the FBI or the CIA.

Not just the FBI, the Chicoms own Dementia Joe, most of his maladministration and a good chunk of Congress.

According to the RedState report, the sources said “the defector has direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs.”

They reportedly told Redstate that the individual had “provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials” and that DIA officials consider the information “legitimate.”

Which means this guy brought documentation with him. It also seems that the “U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) have also verified this guys information. One of the things he appears to have brought to the table was what is going on with the China Virus, aka Covid-19. In a series of tweets by Adam Housley back on June 4th:

Being told the increased pressure on China in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge. In fact, Wray didn’t know right away because they wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the DIA doesn’t trust Wray or the FBI. It isn’t so much that they might be penetrated as that they are far to politically motivated and not all that competent these days.

Also…US intelligence believes China is trying to produce variants that suggest it came from bats to cover up that it originally came from a lab. The belief is still that it escaped accidentally, but was allowed to spread.

Again…what I reported tonight. US intelligence has a Chinese defector with Wuhan info. AND China is trying to produce variants that suggest it came from bats to cover up that coronavirus originally came from a lab

That is what I think may have happened. They were doing the “Gain of Function” work, manipulating the DNA of the virus, allegedly paid for by Anthony Fauci and his department, and they were sloppy. I have a sneaking suspicion that follow up variants now showing up in places like India are not natural mutations, but more of these engineered variants and that this time, it was released intentionally. It was after this information was provided to the idiot in the White House that they actually started turning on their masters in China to some extent.

These reports coincided roughly with the media’s sudden acceptance of the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic originated with Chinese scientists after the idea had been deemed a far-right conspiracy theory for over a year.

That sounds an awful lot like the Progressive Liberal Deep State Propaganda Corps received new marching orders. There really wasn’t any way they could have covered this up and buried the story, unless they somehow buried the defector…which I wouldn’t put past these people. They support Felonia von Pantsuit after all.

Switching over to the June 11th follow up story from Red State:

RedState has now learned some details of the information provided by the defector, including that he provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.

Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how that information was given to the government) who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.

Well now, isn’t that an interesting turn of affairs. The DIA basically proved what conspiracy theorists have been saying for over a year, that the Wuhan Flu was a manufactured virus, not naturally occurring and that it got out of the lab by accident. Additionally, the Chinese military was in this up to their necks.

Pause for a moment and consider this. Our government now has additional evidence that a virus that killed 600,000 Americans, sickened millions more, nearly destroyed our economy, and inflicted untold collateral damage, was a bioweapon created by the Chinese military and deliberately released.

I will argue about that 600K people killed by the virus. Yes, there were 600K people who had the virus in their systems when they died, but very few people died of JUST the coronavirus, perhaps 10,000-20,000? (All of them in New York Nursing homes it seems)

I say “additional” evidence because the FBI has had some of this evidence for more than a year and the person who brought it forward has only been subjected to a thorough smear campaign for her efforts – which is highly relevant when attempting to understand the newest defector’s actions.

Yeah, there is a reason the FBI’s unofficial name is “Fucking Bunch of Incompetents.”

As reported in my original story about the defector, sources told RedState that the FBI, the State Department, and CIA were intentionally kept in the dark about the fact that the defector was working with the DIA. Many in the intelligence community were highly skeptical of that claim for logistical reasons (i.e., China obviously knew the guy was gone as soon as he was gone, and any assets/spies within our government also knew, so how could they keep his location a secret for so long?), but the fact that the FBI had a lot of this information from Yan for more than a year and nothing to investigate or validate it makes it easy to understand why this defector wanted nothing to do with the CIA or, especially, the FBI.

From what I read regarding the actual mechanism for the defection, the person in question came to the United States for legitimate reasons. To visit his daughter who was attending college in the United States. He was able to “Disappear” for a few weeks because that was expected by the Chinese government. As for the FBI, CIA and State Department not being told at first? See their actions regarding the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump.

Also, a separate source confirmed to RedState that several members of Congress who have been working on investigating the virus’ origin have been briefed on many of DIA’s findings, including Rep. Matt Gaetz. That explains Gaetz’s grilling of FBI Director Christopher Wray Thursday on Capitol Hill.

Wanna bet that few to none of those briefed are members of the Progressive Liberal Democrat party? Without question they would have told the Chicoms as soon as they gt back to their offices.

Gaetz laid out the thumbnail of Yan’s story to Wray and low-key accused the FBI of being part of the coronavirus origin coverup because they did not attempt to verify the scientific or intelligence information she provided, and they did not prevent the massive effort to discredit Yan undertaken by both the Chinese government, the United States media, and “scientists” like Dr. Peter Daszak. (They may have even been part of that effort.) He said (not in this order):

On April 28th, Dr. Yan Li-Meng landed at LAX. One of your agents interviewed her at that time. She then traveled to New York. Your agent from Los Angeles followed her to New York and sought an interview on both the 1st of May and the 2nd of May in 2020. The FBI took Dr. Yan’s phone on which she showed evidence of WeChat communications between herself and the director of the CDC in Beijing dating back to December 2019 regarding the Chinese military’s involvement in the development of the virus and specific links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It is hard to believe that the FBI did not believe Dr. Yan was credible or significant, because she lands on April 28th. Your agent, Dana Murphy, takes her phone that day. I am holding the receipt from when you got the phone that had the WeChat messages that had very important information regarding Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party. It is not every day an FBI agent flies from Los Angeles to New York to follow a Chinese doctor who is a whistleblower and a fact witness. Even if Dr. Yan’s technical analysis of the virus is incorrect, the fact that she showed up saying she wanted to provide information and tell the truth seems significant.

On October 14th, 2020, FBI agent Andrew Zitman [sp] brought a scientist who was working with FBI to meet with Dr. Yan in New York. They met for nearly six hours.”

At this point, Representative Gaetz started turning up the fire under the FBI director. He listed a series of things that the committee, (and Rep. Gaetz himself), wanted to know. The questions were quite pointed and specific. Wray hemmed, hawed and refused to answer claiming he wouldn’t comment on ongoing investigations. Next Rep. Gaetz asked about the coordinated assault on Dr. Li-Meng YAN.

Gaetz also mentioned that from that the moment Yan made the “pronouncements” about the Chinese military’s involvement people were trying to discredit her and asked if the FBI was able to determine whether that was part of a counterintelligence campaign by the Chinese government. No answer there, either.

And the reason that Wray didn’t answer was simple. Not only didn’t he have an answer, it appears that the FBI may have aided in the assault on Dr. Yan. As to the attacks against here, this has all the earmarks of a massive disinformation campaign run out of the offices of the MSS.

And just how was it that Yan’s information was able to be so effectively dismissed? As we’ve covered over the last few weeks, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak strongarmed other researchers into writing pieces in influential journals, like Lancet and Nature, dismissing the theory, and specifically dismissing Yan’s claims. Those pieces were used by Science Feedback, Facebook’s fact-checker, to deplatform news organizations who shared the information and wouldn’t take it down and to shut down the accounts of individuals who shared the information. News organizations couldn’t even report about Yan’s appearance on Tucker Carlson without being censored by big tech.

As far as I’m concerned, this is evidence that Mark Zuckerberg and the others in Big Tech should be arrested and tried on espionage and potentially treason charges. Throw in a big fat RICO case for good measure and seize Facebook, Google and the other Big Tech companies. As for the shareholders? I’m torn on whether they should be compensated in some way or told that they should have been more active in the shareholders meetings. Finally…

Is it any wonder that the entire Democrat/Media Complex is trying to destroy Matt Gaetz? Think about when the questions into his supposedly improper relationships with females started flooding the airwaves and which government organization is “investigating” Gaetz. I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence and not an attempt to silence or intimidate Gaetz.

If President Trump had not had the election stolen from him, (The audits are spreading as more interesting details come to light), I have little doubt that he would have been briefed first thing by the DIA on the defector. I also have little doubt that he would have taken actions, starting with the summery firing of Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Christopher Wray, and instructing Secretary of State Pompeo to begin firing people in the bowels of the State Department. The CIA would have been taken apart and I think that we would be seeing indictments against members of the “Main Stream Media”.

Instead, we’re continuing to see the cover ups continue. The Democrat Propaganda Corps, having been sublet to the Communist Chinese Government, continues to try and buy these stories, but things are coming out and now they’re starting to figure out that they need to cover themselves or they’re going to get it in the shorts. As for Dementia Joe? That drooling idiot is only concerned about the next 10 year old’s hair he can sniff. This is going to go down as one of the biggest scandals in American history, making Watergate look like a second rate break in.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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