Tag Archives: Conspiracy

The Durham Report: Obama was in the loop

Good day all. The Durham Report on the attempt to overthrow the Greatest President of the 21st, Donald Trump, is out and people have been digging through the 300+ pages to see what’s what. Right off the bat, the FBI … Continue reading

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High Ranking Chinese agent defects to America

Good day all. This story has been flying under the radar for a number of reasons. One is security of course, the other is that the CommuNazi Propaganda Corps has been ordered to flush it down the memory hole.

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Let the conspiracy theories begin!

Good day all. Over the weekend, the news came out that Jeffery Epstein, procurer of teenage girls to the world’s elite, had committed suicide in his jail cell.

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The rats are turning on each other

Good day all. Now that the Mueller Inquisition has produced a giant nothing burger regarding President Trump, and the entire Collusion Conspiracy has collapsed, phase two has begun. This is the investigation into how this whole thing got started, and … Continue reading

Posted in Just Desserts, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment