Atlanta mayor blames GOP for her own incompetence

Good day all. We’ve been seeing a massive crime wave occurring since last year, coupled with an assault on police officers by the ever so caring Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazi Party. This mess is happening in cities and states controlled by the Progressive Liberal Democrats.

In the city of Atlanta, which is a deep blue city in a basically red state, the current mayor has been playing the “Defund” game, and has pulled back the city police. As expected, the low lifes and vermin have begun to run rampant. What it they mayor’s excuse? She blames the GOP for reopening the state. Here are the details from Fox News:

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms blames a crime wave in her city on lax gun laws, young people being out of school and Republican Gov. Brian Kemp’s decision to make Georgia one of the early states to begin reopening. 

Asked if officers have been “hesitant” to respond to crime amid heightened tensions of the past year, Bottoms said “absolutely not.”

“Remember in Georgia we were opened up before the rest of the country, even before the CDC said that it was safe for us to open so our night clubs and our bars remained open so we had people traveling here from across the country and partying in our city,” Bottoms told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle on Friday.

Oh no! We had people enjoying something you despise, freedom. Very few of these people caused any trouble either I wager.

Kemp began easing COVID-19 restrictions in late March, following states like Texas and Mississippi and drawing the ire of Democrats. The Centers for Disease Control didn’t relax its guidelines for vaccinated people until mid-May.

And the CDC’s credibility is well and truly shot these days. Basically, only the Progressive Liberal political hacks are paying any attention to them since the CDC is giving them an excuse to crush the rights of the people under their boot heel. The Republican political hacks bought into this early on, but now understand they were lied to by these bureaucratic Faucists. Meanwhile May Rock Bottoms has real issues on her hands, and she’s continuing to just sit on them.

Killings are up 58% in Atlanta from 2020, but even that year, amid widespread lockdowns, was one of the deadliest in decades, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. There were 157 homicides in 2020, up from 99 in 2019. K

“We are doing every single thing we can,” the Democratic mayor said. She said her administration is making a push for young people to find work this summer, noting that closed schools of the past year left young people restless. 

“We’re getting at least 1,000 young people to work this summer. That will help until we deal with systemic issues of the gun violence epidemic in this country – how easily young people, people with mental illness can access guns in this country.”

I understand that there are a plethora of help wanted signs out there, but the lazy bastards little darlings would rather get Bidenbucks instead of actually work. Then you pull the old chestnut out blaming guns for the actions of criminals, and blaming mental illness. How about you try doing something original? Holding these vermin personally responsible for their actions?

Georgia GOP Gov. Brian Kemp tweeted Saturday in response to Bottoms: “According to the mayor, rising crime in our capital city is everyone’s fault but her’s. Getting Georgians back to work, back to school, and back to normal didn’t lead to more crime. The left’s anti-police, soft-on-crime agenda is to blame.”

As Bottoms noted, cities across the country are grappling with a spike in crime. Shootings in New York City were up 166% from April 2020 to April 2021.

You will note that the massive increase in crime, as I’ve mentioned before, is in cities run by moonbats and morons who refuse to actually do their. In fact, rather then go after the criminals, they are rewarding them at the expense of their victims.

The mayor’s comments come as crime has become so high in one affluent suburb of her city – Buckhead – that residents are trying to separate from being part of Atlanta.

I read about that the other day. One of the suburbs, the one that pays most of the taxes it seems, have had it with Rock Bottoms incompetence and stupidity, and are now in the process of breaking away and forming their own city. If the petitions are approved and the residents vote for it, Buckhead City will be formed and will hire their own police force.

Basically, they’re tired of being victims, they know they can’t get rid of the incompetent mayor legally, so they’re taking a step of filing for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. In other words, they[‘ve had enough, and rather then go in and overthrow the mayor and the other moonbats with force of arms, they’ve going to walk away, build their version of a wall and let Rock Bottoms drown in the sewage filled toilet she has created. I fully expect her next line of attack will be to blame it all on racists and Donald Trump. Good luck with that.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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