Vice President Blow Job Harris is finally visiting the border

Good day all. 3 months ago, Dementia Joe named the Blow Job Queen to be the “Border Czar” and told her to go fix the problems he caused. Instead she spent the time complaining about the time it took to prepare the Vice President’s to her specifications.

She also couldn’t be bothered to actually talk to the press about the issue, even though they would have happily buried anything negative. Instead, she decided to travel to Central America to find and fix the “Root Cause” of illegal immigration. Actually visiting the southern border of the United States was not something she had any plans on doing. However, the repeated hammering has finally caused her to rethink her refusal. Here are the details from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris is set to visit the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, the White House confirmed, amid mounting criticism from Republicans for not yet doing so, following her appointment by President Biden to handle the “root causes” of migration.

Harris is set to visit El Paso, Texas, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Oh great. One worthless lump of manure bringing another worthless lump.

Harris has come under heavy criticism from Republicans and some Democrats for the way she has handled the role since being appointed to it 91 days ago. While the White House has emphasized she is tasked with the “root causes” of the border crisis, Republicans have criticized her repeatedly for not having visited the border at all – with former Trump officials saying she needs to go to the border in order to be able to conduct the talks effectively.

The Harris/Biden Administration has zero interest in securing the border. In fact, they’ve undone almost all the work that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump did in finally closing down the border. As for this “Root Cause” nonsense? Who the Hell cares why they want to come to the United States? If they want to come here, then go to the local embassy or consulate, get the immigration forms freely available there, and do it through the legal process like millions of Lawful Resident Aliens, including She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Harris, earlier this month, visited Guatemala, for her first visit abroad since being appointed by President Biden to lead diplomatic efforts to the region to help solve the massive spike in migration to the border in recent months.

And that visit was about as successful as the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic. Harris was basically told to get lost. Even the people of Guatemala know that Heels Up Harris is only good for one thing, and that job she usually does on her back.

The White House has defended Harris for not visiting the border, saying that her role was to improve diplomacy and conditions inside Northern Triangle countries where countries are fleeing. 

The White House said Harris was working “with leaders in the Northern Triangle” and work on ways to “address corruption” and the root causes of migration, as well as ways to address humanitarian challenges in the countries.

So, the plan is to do nothing then? Or is to to try and bribe the usual suspects down there and make it look like something is being done? In any case, it will be the standard progressive plan. Loot the taxpayers and ship their hard earned money to your friends who will probably kick back some of it.

We’re 6 months into the worst maladministration in American history, and rather then learn from their errors, they fully intend to make things worse. This is going to go sideways in the worst ways possible. All it’s going to take is one of the Cartels moving into one of the Southern States and launching a full blown assault on a city police station, with RPG’s and explosives to set things off.

The last time this happened was Pancho Villa. At least back then Wilson sent in the Army to try and catch him. The Fake President and the Blow Job Queen? They’ll just apologize to the Cartels and compensate them for the munitions used to murder American police and citizens. And that will spell the end of the United States as the break up the Progressives have been so bent on causing happens. As for Vice President Kameltoe Blow Job, I doubt she’ll spend 30 minutes down there and will probably pull a Clinton. Look through the binoculars with the lens caps on and pretend to look like she knows what she’s doing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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