Fake President paid by Russia before Nord Stream 2 announcement

Good day all. For three years, we were subjected to the flat out lie, put together by Felonia von Pantsuit and her fake dossier, that the Greatest President of the United States, Donald Trump, was owned by the Russians.

We know that Felonia von Pantsuit herself was bribed by Russia and handed over our Uranium mines to them. Now we have another story of Russian bribes to political figures, and this time it’s the Fake President. It seems that he took money from Russia and in exchange, let them complete a pipeline that will give them more power in Europe. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany.

Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former U.S. ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show.

I looked up Burt, and glanced at his Wikipedia page. Granted, Wikipedia is about as accurate as Joe Biden, but for very basic information, it has it’s uses. (Unlike Joe Biden, who is utterly useless) This guy claims to be a Republican, and worked for the Greatest President of the 20th Century, Ronald Reagan, but he’s also been in the pay of Russia fr a while now. Basically, he’s a deep state operative that puts himself over the nation and is quite willing to work with those who don’t have America’s interests at heart. (Like the Democrats)

In addition to violating Biden’s own campaign pledge not to take lobbyist cash, the money from Burt is particularly noteworthy as he is currently directly engaged in lobbying activities for Nord Stream 2 AG.

Dementia Joe’s pledges have a shelf life measured in seconds.

“When Richard Burt donated to Biden Victory Fund, he failed to acknowledge that he was a registered foreign agent and was therefore ineligible to contribute,” a Democratic National Committee spokesman told The Post. “Because Burt also listed a different employer than on his [Foreign Agents Registration Act] registration, he was not flagged during our vetting process.”

I wonder if you even bothered to look? This is a long pattern with the Democrat National Crime Syndicate National Committee. I seem to recall that the credit card verification system was intentionally deactivated when Der Fubar was running, and there was no way to audit where the donations came from. (I do believe it was determined that a lot came in from overseas)

The DNC said it returned the cash on Thursday after The Post’s inquiry.

Yeah, after they got caught. If the Post hadn’t called them on it, you know they wouldn’t have returned it. I wonder if they also paid interest on the funds returned?

The Switzerland-based Nord Stream 2 — controlled by an ex-East German stasi officer and close ally of Vladimir Putin — is currently engaging in sanctionable activity, according to the State Department. Team Biden raised eyebrows, however, after declining to enforce sanctions, citing U.S. national interests, Axios reported.

U.S. national interest? Try the Biden Family interests?

Burt, a longtime GOP donor before switching sides in 2019, has long been a fixture in D.C. foreign policy circles. “He carries an air of great knowledge and wisdom and experience, and he’s impressive when you meet him,” a former Trump official who dealt with Burt told The Post.

Burt played an early role in advising the Trump campaign’s foreign policy positions, and even helped the billionaire candidate craft his first foreign policy speech — something critics immediately jumped on as proof of untoward Russia connections.

“The revelation of Burt’s lobbying activity raises new questions about Russian influence in Trump’s campaign,” blared Politico, which extensively cited Burt’s work on Nord Stream 2 — a project Trump went on to oppose as president.

Yeah, just a few small problems with that. President Trump played hard ball with the Soviets Russians, including blasting a battalion of Russian mercenaries in Syria into tiny little pieces. Compare that with this little story and Dementia Joe’s recent actions in his meeting with Putin and you cans see who is in Putin’s pocket. Here’s a hint. It wasn’t President Donald Trump. Of course, the pure hatred for the Greatest President of the 21st Century by people like Adam Schifthead knew no bounds, and continues.

“The sum total of Trump’s words and actions has only encouraged Russian meddling in our elections,” said California Rep. Adam Schiff in August 2020. “Insecure, unscrupulous and transactional, Trump is Putin’s ideal American president.”

In March, 2019, Burt gave a maximum $2,800 donation to Schiff shortly after the congressman took the reins of the powerful House Intelligence Committee.

So tell me again who is in the pocket with the Russians Schifthead?

Schiff has not commented publicly on the Biden Nord Stream 2 decision.

Schifthead, Dementia Joe, DiFi, Nukem Swalwell and other Democrats have all been caught with their hands in the communists cookie jar. (For Swalwell, he had something else stuck in a slightly different communist cookie jar) The Progressives have been carrying the water of hostile nations for decades, always to the detriment of the United States. They then like to project on the Republicans all the activities they engage in, for the simple reason that they can’t believe others aren’t as crooked as they are.

Now you cans see why they had to get rid of President Trump and put the Fake President and Vice President Blow Job into office. President Trump, in his second term, would have gone after them hard and you know that most of these vermin would have gone to prison. Rigging the election was the only way to protect themselves and their Russian, and Chinese, gravy trains.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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