Fauci ignored Trump order to stop sending money to Wuhan Lab

Good day all. Every day, we’re learning new things about just how bad Anthony Fauci really is. For months there have been calls to fire him. Now it looks like the time has come to indict him. It seems he was told to stop funding a nonprofit that was sending money to China and he wouldn’t do it.

Fauci has been the face of the Wuhan Flu for over a year now and started coming under fire towards the end of the summer last year. He was constantly changing his mind on everything, and President Trump started ignoring him. Well, it looks like that was a two way street. Fauci was also ignoring direct orders from President Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but “reluctantly agreed” after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation, according to an exclusive excerpt from a book detailing the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci’s debate with other top officials on how to handle the request was detailed in “Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History,” an upcoming book from Washington Post reporters Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta.

What was so hard to understand? There was no need to “Handle” anything. You were instructed to stop, and that was that. You stop. What you don’t do is look for ways to ignore a presidential directive.

An aside. Although the book isn’t published yet, I found the synopsis on Amazon.com. Just a brief glance told me that this is just another hit piece by someone from the Washington ComPost against President Trump. I’m not going to link to it since I don’t subscribe knowingly to fake news and propaganda.

The White House pushed the National Institutes of Health to cut funding for a study examining how coronaviruses jump from infected bats to humans following reports linking the research to the Wuhan facility at the center of the “lab leak theory,” which posits the pandemic originated from a lab accident. The study’s sponsor, the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, was told not to spend the remaining $369,819 balance of its 2020 grant.

Well, that does make sense. Why should we pay for the Communist Chinese Government’s research into bioweapons? Apparently, this concept was beyond Fauci and the other bureaucrats comprehension.

In their book, Abutaleb and Paletta provide a behind-the-scenes account of how Fauci and his colleagues at the National Institutes of Health responded to the White House’s directive:

“With questions swirling about the origins of COVID-19—experts had determined that the virus was not man-made but could not rule out that it might have slipped out of a lab—the NIH had gone to the principal study investigator on April 19 and asked that payments be halted to the subcontractor in Wuhan until it had more answers.
A few days later, the relatively small grant had garnered new attention…On the afternoon of April 24, NIH director Francis Collins and Fauci received notice that Trump wanted to formally announce in a 5:00 p.m. press conference that the grant had been terminated.”
Collins and Fauci told the White House and [the Department of Health and Human Services] that they were not sure the NIH actually had the authority to terminate a peer-reviewed grant in the middle of a budget cycle. The HHS general counsel told them to do it anyway and made clear it was a direct order from the president, implying that their jobs were on the line if they didn’t comply. Fauci and Collins reluctantly agreed to cancel the grant.”

Don’t you just love arrogant bureaucrats who think that they know what’s best and that they should be running things and not the elected representatives of the American People? It appears that it wasn’t just Fauci who was reticent about following a direct order from the President of the United States.

According to the book, Fauci relayed the incident to his longtime friend Peter Staley, the prominent HIV/AIDS activist, who purportedly pushed him to resist the administration’s directive.

Rather then repost the quotes, allow me to summarize. Staley wanted Fauci to basically refuse the order and resign if pressed. Fauci, the typical bureaucrat that he is, that that resigning over a 3.7 million dollar grant was stupid and Staley apparently rethought it and agreed. This makes sense from an insider’s point of view. Who knows who would have replaced Fauci? It might have been one of those horrible Trump Deplorables.

Next, Fauci was pointedly asked by a House committee about why the grant was canceled. His response? He lied under oath.

When testifying at a House Energy & Commerce Hearing in June 2020, Fauci claimed he was unaware of the reason why the grant was canceled.

“Why was it canceled? It was canceled because the NIH was told to cancel it,” Fauci said at the time. “I don’t know the reason, but we were told to cancel it.”

And people wonder why Senator Rand Paul is ripping Fauci a new one? It’s garbage like this. It’s going to be interesting to see what Paul does next regarding Fauci. It’s things like this that have destroyed his credibility. With this information that Fauci tried to subvert the direct orders of the President of the United States, well, forget termination, it’s now time to start looking at prosecution.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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