AOC: “Security for me, but not for Thee”

Good day all, It’s time for yet another post on the moronic moonbat known as Alexandria Occasional-Cortex. Recently I wrote up a post on AOC’s desire to make piles of money while plotting to impoverish Americans with her Green Communist Takeover. Now it seems she has moved on to a new philosophy, “Security for Me, but not for Thee.

We’ve seen just how easily panicked Alexandria Occasional-Cortex can be. She has stated that she expected to be gang raped and murdered on January 6th by all the heavily armed Deplorables that stormed the Capitol, slaughtering hundreds of Capitol Police….Oh wait, none of that happened anywhere but in what passes for the fevered imagination of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.

AOC has also been sounding the charge to defund police and releasing all the convicted criminals, who will gang rape and murder her for the fun of it, from prison. She obviously has zero concern for all the “Lower beings” in flyover country. She’s also, like all progressives, a complete and utter hypocrite. She’s hired former Blackwater mercenaries to pact as her personal bodyguards. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paid thousands for personal security to a former Blackwater contractor, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows. AOC’s campaign spent at least $4,636 at Tullis Worldwide Protection for “security services” between January and June of this year, according to the filings.

AOC, a New York Democrat, has been among the most vocal proponents of the defund the police movement since coming to Congress, and has insisted the idea would turn blighted communities into suburban paradises.

“[Suburban] communities have lower crime rates not because they have more police but because they have more resources to support healthy society in a way that reduces crime,” she said in a June 2020 Instagram story.

They have more police and they also do not tolerate criminals. Depending on the locations, there are also any number of citizens who are armed and will shoot criminals. The problem with urban areas with out of control crime problems can be laid directly at the feet of idiots like Alexandria Occasional-Cortex who let criminals run amok instead of locking them up.

Former mayor of New York City Rudolph Giuliani showed how to get crime under control. It’s called dealing with the little things and the big things take care of themselves. AOC doesn’t see it that way and now that she has resources she would deny the “Little people,” she’s using them to protect her precious ass. She’s also being called on it.

“Out of one corner of her mouth she is attacking the police and out of the other she is hiring cops who have gone private to protect her. So AOC, which is it?” veteran Democratic strategist Jon Reinish told The Post.

And this surprises you? AOC is a classic Progressive. As far as she’s concerned, she can do no wrong and the rules everyone else lives by do not apply to her. The Fox story also lists a few Republicans who have been spending money on private security.

Some of the biggest security spenders have been Republicans, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who has drawn ire for her vote to impeach then-President Trump. Cheney has spent at least $50,400 on security so far in 2021, while another prominent Trump critic, Utah Sen. Mitt Romney spent $43,633, Axios reported. Upstate New York GOP Rep. John Katko, who also voted for impeachment, spent at least $19,874 in the same time period.

I can see why these people would want to hire private security. They’ve managed to royally piss off the Republican base and all are probably out of office when they come up for reelection. They’re also classic Deep State Uniparty RINO’s as well. At least they aren’t opposed to funding law enforcement, unlike Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and her suicide Squad of fellow hypocrites.

The congresswoman is far from the only police defunding advocate who has sought additional security. Her squad colleague, freshman Rep. Jamaal Bowman, asked for and received a special detail from the Yonkers Police Department to patrol his personal residence. A rep for his office said at the time the extra muscle was necessary due to “threats” that Bowman had received.

You will excuse me if I don’t believe this moonbat. They have a history of lying about everything. While politicians do get threats, almost all of them are morons being stupid. The ones that they really need to worry about don’t make any threats and never say or do anything to draw attention to themselves. They also tend to want to get away with it and plan their crimes carefully. This type is exceedingly rare, however.

Personally, I don’t think that AOC is long for the Halls of Congress. She’s managed to piss off the Communazi elite and they are probably going to redraw her district right out of existence. (Yes, they are that vindictive)

If she is forced to run in a new district, she’s going to have to go up against another moonbat who will fight tooth and nail to keep his or her seat. AOC hasn’t really been in a competitive Primary since her first one and she won that only due to the flat out arrogance and incompetence of her opponent. If she gets blown out, it’s back to New York, pouring drinks for people generally a lot smarter then she is, and relying on the police she has helped to defund to protect her. Best of luck with them showing up if she calls 911.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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