Criminal complaint filed against Govno Flaming Cuomo

Good day all. This is a breaking story, so the usual caveats apply. One of Andrew Flaming Cuomo’s victims has filed a criminal complaint against him.

The victim was one of Flaming Cuomo’s Executive Assistants, and she has sworn out a complaint against the Govno. Here are the details from New York Post:

An assistant to Gov. Andrew Cuomo who has accused him of groping her while they took a selfie together filed a criminal complaint against him with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, The Post has learned.

The victim, who was identified as “Executive Assistant #1,” in Attorney General Letitia James’ sexual harassment report, filed the complaint during a brief Thursday afternoon meeting with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, which has since contacted the Albany County District Attorney’s office, Sheriff Craig Apple told The Post.

Now the best news of all in this?

Apple said it’s possible the governor could be arrested if the allegations are substantiated.

The end result could either be it sounds substantiated and an arrest is made and it would be up to the DA to prosecute the arrest,” he said.

Just because of who it is we are not going to rush it or delay it,” he added.

If this had happened a few weeks ago, I have little doubt that it would have been swept under the carpet and “Executive Assistant #1” probably being Epsteined. (Who didn’t kill himself) However, with the report from the Attorney General stating that Flaming Cuomo was touching everything but the third rail? There could be handcuffs in Cuomo’s future.

The unidentified victim lodged the most serious accusation against the governor detailed in AG James’ report, alleging he pulled her in for a hug, reached under her blouse and fondled one of her breasts in the Executive Mansion in Albany on Nov. 16.

I mean it was—he was like cupping my breast. He cupped my breast,” the woman told investigators on AG James’ team. 

I have to tell you it was—at the moment I was in such shock that I could just tell you that I just remember looking down seeing his hand, seeing the top of my bra and I remember it was like a little even the cup—the kind of bra that I had to the point I could tell you doesn’t really fit me properly, it was a little loose, I just remember seeing exactly that,” she added, according to the report.

Flaming Cuomo is a typical male Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi. He thinks he can do whatever he wants and the people he “touches” can just lie back and enjoy it. I have never done anything like this for a very simple reason. I was brought up properly and understand the saying made famous by the movie, The Kingsman.

Frankly, Govno Andrew Flaming Cuomo should be dragged out of the Governors Mansions, tied to a tree stump and horsewhipped. If he had done that to any lady I knew, I would have kicked his nuts up into his nasal cavities. The State Legislature needs to move quickly, impeach and convict this murderous sleazeball and boot him, in complete disgrace, from office. Then the police can arrest him and he can try feeling up his new roommate, Rocco.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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