Stick the fork in deeper, Liz Cheney is well done

Good day all. Representative Liz Cheney, (RINO-Pelosi), has not angered her party and constituents in the state of Wyoming, she has flat out enraged them. They now see her for what she truly is, a Deep State, Uniparty Globalist who will put herself ahead of her constituents and the nation.

Liz Cheney is the daughter of former Vice President Lon Dick Cheney. She is a hardcore died in the wool Never Trumper and when the fake impeachments came up, was happy to vote for them. She is part of the Bush/Cheney wing of the Republican Party and as such, hated the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump for utterly destroying Jeb! “Please Clap” Bush.

She was quick to blame President Trump for the January 6th Protest and refuses to look at the issues with the 2020 election that gave us President Dementia. She was one of the RINO’s who voted in favor of impeaching President Trump the second time even though he was out of office. Her constant assaults on both President Trump and the people who support him finally caused the House Minority leader to boot her from the Republican leadership team.

She was the quick to sign on as a Pelosi Republican to the January 6th committee that is not looking into the actual issues of what happened during the protest, but is planning on using her position to continue her attacks on President Trump. The problem with Cheney is that she isn’t paying any attention to the people who put her in office, and now they want her gone. Here are the details from the Independent Chronicle:

A new poll shows Liz Cheney’s chances of being re-elected are slim, as former President Donald Trump urges Republicans to have only one conservative challenger to primary her.

Just how bad are Lizard Cheney’s numbers? They are so bad, she may as well step down now and vanish into obscurity instead of waiting to be crushed in 2022.

In a new poll by McLaughlin & Associates, just 23% of Republican primary voters say they would vote to reelect Cheney, while 77% say they would not. 53% of respondents describe Cheney as liberal, and only 26% describe her as conservative. Trump has promised to defeat her, and issued a statement yesterday in which he describes his preferred path to victory.

The easiest way to defeat Deplorable Liz Cheney is by having only ONE conservative candidate run and WIN,” Trump wrote in a statement. “Wyoming patriots will no longer stand for Nancy Pelosi and her new lapdog RINO Liz Cheney!”

President Trump’s thinking is simple. There are a number of people looking to primary Lizard Cheney, and if there are to many, they could split the votes and let this cow sleaze her way back into the general election.

Currently, Liz Cheney has a huge financial war chest, with $2.8 million on hand as of June 30. She has been working with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the January 6th commission, and recently called a GOP-held press conference “disgusting and despicable.” Despite her fundraising, Cheney may still be in danger due to the 2022 midterm elections.

Just ask her pal Jeb! how having a huge amount of money guarantees her reelection. If she can’t reach him, she could read his book, “How to blow $100 Million Dollars and not win a single state.”

One of Cheney’s challengers, Darin Smith, may have a shot at ousting her from Congress. In a survey of 766 likely Republican voters, the Remington Research Group found Smith to be the current frontrunner in his race against Cheney. In a head-to-head matchup with her, the poll found that Smith garnered 70% of the vote, while Cheney received only 20%.

Liz Cheney is the only representation in Congress Wyoming has, and she has turned her back on us,” Smith said in a statement last week. “I am a proud supporter of President Trump and will not back down or give in to the empty threats from Liz and the far left. It’s time to Dump Liz and elect someone with genuine pro-Trump, America First, Wyoming values, and I know I am that person.”

President Trump is very popular out in Wyoming as I understand it. Lizard Cheney was too, until she turned on President Trump and started backing the actions of San Fran Nan and UpChuck Schumer. Now she is less well regarded as a load of manure that someone might step in if they aren’t paying attention.

Trump will reportedly meet with Smith some time this week. Reports allege that his son, Trump Jr., will also be in attendance. Trump is expected to endorse a candidate in Wyoming’s Congressional race in the coming weeks.

I don’t have any first or second hand knowledge of how things are politically in Wyoming. I have read that the Republican Party out there has had it with Lizard and her betrayal. If Mr. Smith is everything that Lizard Cheney isn’t, then Mr. Smith should go to Washington in Lizard’s place.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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