Kinzinger (RINO-Pelosi) wants to force other Republicans to testify

Good day all. The Pelosi Inquisition into the January 6th protest continues to show people that they are interested only in punishing the Greatest President of the 21st Century, and protecting their incompetent, totalitarian asses. Now one of Pelosi’s pet RINO’s wants to force other house members to testify.

As you should know, when San Fran Nan cooked up this joke of a committee, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed two members that Pelosi rejected. They were rejected because they would have actually asked some very tough questions on why the Capitol Police were so inept and incompetent. In response to Pelosi not accepting two of McCarthy’s choices. He pulled them all.

Since there were no Republicans on the committee, Pelosi asked two well known Trump haters to join. One was Lizard Cheney and the other was a useless tool named Adam Kinzinger. Now Kinzinger wants to force one of the Republicans that San Fran Nan rejected to testify in front of the joke of an investigation. Here are the details from Fox News:

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger on Sunday said he supported issuing subpoenas for members of Congress who might have had conversations with former President Donald Trump on Jan. 6 before rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol – even if that includes fellow Republicans Kevin McCarthy or Jim Jordan.

“I would support subpoenas to anybody that can shed light on that. If that’s the leader, that’s the leader,” Kinzinger, R-Ill., said in an appearance on ABC “This Week.” “It is essential for history, for the American people, for truth that we get to the bottom of this. I think anybody with parts of that information, with inside knowledge, can probably expect to be talking to the committee.”

You have no intention of finding what happened. This whole joke of an investigation serves two purposes. First, “Get Trump!” The second is to protect Sen Fran Nan’s wrinkly ass since she was the one who turned down all offers, including from President Trump, of additional security.

“I want to know what the president was doing every moment of that day,” Kinzinger said, describing how the House select committee wants insight on what actions Trump took after he delivered a speech to a crowd of supporters at The Ellipse, south of the White House on Jan. 6.

I’m sure the White House logs can provide that information. Have you bothered actually looking at them? I’m assuming that once the rally was concluded, he was informed about the protest at the capitol building and started looking into what was going on.

“I want to know, if the National Guard took five or six hours to get to Capitol Hill, did the president make any calls?” Kinzinger told ABC “This Week” co-anchor Jonathan Karl. “I think if the president of the United States had picked up the phone and made a call, the [National] Guard would have been there immediately. This is stuff we can’t sweep under the rug and say, ‘That was a whole seven months ago.’”

It’s already been documented that President Trump offered to call up the Guard and any other resources needed, but he was told flat out by the Mayor of Washington not to do so. Of course, since this is all about “Getting Trump!” you aren’t interested in things like facts, are you?

Kinzinger and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., are the only two GOP members tapped by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to participate on a House select committee tasked with investigating the events that happened in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6.

Lizard Cheney’s hatred of President Trump is so intense that after one warning, she was kicked off the House Republican leadership team. Now there are calls to strip Cheney and Pelosi lickspittle Kinzinger of all their committee assignments and put them into a nice shared office where they also store the mops and brooms.

Members of the House Freedom Caucus on Thursday then called for McCarthy to boot Kinzinger and Cheney from the House Republican Conference, as part of yet another chapter in the intra-party battle between the two anti-Trump Republicans and Trump’s loyalists.

The Republican Base flat out supports President Trump and what he tried to do. They also see what happened on Election Day and believe that the Communazis flat out rigged the election. Most understand that it’s virtually impossible to kick President Dementia out and put President Trump back in, (Almost impossible. There is a path, but it’s so arcane that you have a better chance of winning the lottery 5 times in a row and then get hit by lighting 7 times then to get President Trump back by this means), and now they want to crush the Communazis in 2022, clean up the whole voting system to prevent Grand Theft Election and get the country back on track.

The problem is people like Lizard Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. They are both Deep State TransRepublicans who want to restore things as they were before President Trump came in and started cleaning things up. They want endless war, (Cheney), and free trade that freely trades American jobs to foreign countries from which the Establishment TransRepublican elite profit. We’ve already seen that people won’t put up with that any longer and they’ve started voting out the Globalist Uniparty TransRepublicans.

During an appearance on “Life, Liberty & Levin” airing Sunday, Jordan, meanwhile, argued that the select committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson and Pelosi cannot draw any positive attention to Democrats’ far-left agenda, which is largely unpopular in the heartland, pointing as well to intensifying inflation and other problems. 

Because of that, Jordan said the only “playbook” they have is to return to attacking Trump, which has proved to energize their base – and that the January 6 committee is the latest iteration following the Mueller probe, two impeachments and Rep. Adam Schiff’s, D-Calif., contentious Intelligence Committee hearings.

Smoke and mirrors is all the Communazis have going for them. They are using January 6th as a tool to trash the Constitution. The people that were arrested are, for all intents and purposes, political prisoners. There are credible reports that Antifa was involved in what happened, and yet the Federal bureau of Incompetence can’t confirm this even when handed physical evidence. Now they want to use the committee as a means to arrest Trump supporters in Congress.

Thompson has said that staffers will meet with Justice Department officials next week, and the committee is seeking a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland. The committee plans to meet over August recess to discuss next-steps, including potential subpoenas.

Without question the corrupt Attorney General of the United States will give the committee whatever it wants. It took him only a few days to restore the politicized DoJ that Obama and Holder created. Now we have the Pelosi Republicans who can’t wait to do her bidding. It’s time for Kevin McCarthy to lower the boom on those two scum and strip them of everything he can. Sadly, he can’t expel them from the Republican Party, but he can turn their political lives into a living hell.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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