Comrade Klobucher introduces bill to Repeal 1st Amendment

Good day all, This story is a couple of weeks old, but is still relevant when looking at the mindset of the average Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi. Minnesota Senator Amy Klobucher along with Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico have introduced a bill demanding that anything posted to Socialist media platforms that doesn’t toe the government line be removed.

At the moment, Faceplant, Twitler and Googlag have been happily censoring any speech that goes against Communist Community Standards. There are bills to force these to stop censoring people being put forward by the Republicans, (And being shot down by the Communazis), almost daily. This bill goes in the opposite direction. Here are the details from Townhall:

Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) and Ben Ray Luján (N.M.) introduced legislation that would hold social media companies accountable for allowing the spread of “health-related misinformation” on their platforms during “public health emergencies.”

The Health Misinformation Act would make an exception to digital platform’s liability protections granted to them under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The senators are looking for platforms with algorithms that promote “health-related misinformation” regarding existing public health emergencies, such as the coronavirus pandemic, to be held legally responsible.

The Secretary of Health and Human Services would determine what would be considered to be health misinformation.

This is flat out a violation of the 1st Amendment, not that the Comrade Klobucher cares. Here is this stuttering thundercunt’s “reasoning.”

For far too long, online platforms have not done enough to protect the health of Americans,” Klobuchar said in a press release. “These are some of the biggest, richest companies in the world and they must do more to prevent the spread of deadly vaccine misinformation.” 

“Earlier this year, I called on Facebook and Twitter to remove accounts that are responsible for producing the majority of misinformation about the coronavirus, but we need a long term solution,” she continued. “This legislation will hold online platforms accountable for the spread of health-related misinformation. The coronavirus pandemic has shown us how lethal misinformation can be and it is our responsibility to take action.”

The problem with what Faceplant and the other platforms have been doing, is that all the “Conspiracy theories” have started to be proven out. It’s generally accepted that the Coronavirus escaped from a lab, and that it looks like it had been genetically modified to make it worse then it would be in nature. (Gain of Function)

Now we’re hearing that the vaccines they’ve been forcing on people might not work. People who have been vaccinated are getting the China Virus. This is exactly what the Communazis like Klobucher do not want to get out. They know that their lackeys in the Communazi Propaganda Corps will happily spike any stories that go against what the Maladministration of President Dementia puts out, but it’s the small sites that post to Faceplant and Twitler that they need to stop. This is what Klobucher’s bill is intended to do.

Of course, getting it through the Senate and House, and then onto Dementia Joe’s desk is a very different matter. If, by some miracle it becomes law, it will be challenged in Court. It might even be challenged by Faceplant, Twitler and Googlag since they would be acting as agents of the Government, and their Section 230 protections would be flushed right down the toilet. I don’t even think an Obama judge would allow this to stand.

Still, the very fact that Comrade Klunkhead Klobucher and her minion even proposed this should be grounds to remove them from office. She is, allegedly, a lawyer and should know better. However, she is also a Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi and like all good party members, she will put the party and it’s goals ahead of everything else. She isn’t due to stand for reelection until 2024, however she needs to be removed from office by any and all lawful means possible.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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