The Christmas season has arrived and so have all the racist bell ringers

Good day all. For over 150 years, the Salvation Army has been working to raise funds to help the poor. For as long as I can remember, there have been Salvation Army bell ringers standing next to a kettle that people would put money into.

They also have a chain of stores where they take in and refurbish used clothes and other items and then resell them. Now the people running the organization have decided that Woke is the way to go and have jumped on the racist Critical Race Theory bandwagon. Here are the details from The Daily Wire:

The Salvation Army has gone woke.

This is another way of saying that the Salvation Army has gone full on stupid.

The charity is asking its white donors to do more than just drop some coins into the kettle when they go shopping this holiday season. Leaders of the Army want whites to apologize for being racist.

The desire is that Salvationists achieve the following,” the Army says in an online “resource” titled “Let’s Talk About Racism,” listing several goals including  to “lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.”

The resource claims Christianity is inherently racist and calls for white Christians to repent and offer “a sincere apology” to blacks for being “antagonistic… to black people or the culture, values and interests of the black community.”

Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin,” one lesson in the resource says. “There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith, and to live faithfully in today’s world.”

And as we engage in conversations about race and racism, we must keep in mind that sincere repentance and apologies are necessary if we want to move towards racial reconciliation. We recognize that it is a profound challenge to sit on the hot seat and listen with an open heart to the hurt and anger of the wounded. Yet, we are all hardwired to desire justice and fairness, so the need to receive a sincere apology is necessary,” said the resource.

How about I don’t give you one red cent? If you start telling people that are donating money to what once was a great charity that they are all racists, you’re going to see your donations plummet. That means you won’t be carrying out your primary mission of helping those less fortunate.

Reading through the Daily Wire story, the blind stupidity, not to mention the slander and libel of entire groups of people, is stupefying. It goes on to quote all the racist crap being put out under the guise of “Critical Race Theory” that white people are to blame for everything. Well, if the Salvation Army wants to live with Critical Race Theory, they can damn well die on it’s alter. As far as I am concerned, the Salvation Army is just another racist organization, just like the KKK and the Nazis. I don’t support those vermin either, and won’t be tossing any lose change into a Salvation Army kettle again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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