Chris “Fredo Cuomo joins brother on the unemployment line

Good day all. News broke yesterday, (November 30th), that CNN had “Indefinitely” suspended former Governor Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo’s brother, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo. It seems that Fredo was a lot more involved in trying to protect his brother’s phony baloney job than people knew.

As we all now know, Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo was forced out of office when it came out he liked to touch everything but the third rail with regards to his female staffers. Since he left, even more things have come out that rightfully should have him indicted on major felonies. (It’s early yet, and stringing up a former Progressive takes time)

His brother, the ever so untalented and not to bright Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, has been a commentator on the Communist News Network for years, primarily as his brother’s unofficial press agent. With Flaming Cuomo out, it was only a matter of time before the knives came out for Fredo, and it looks like they just sliced and diced him. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

CNN announced that it is suspending its star anchor Chris Cuomo as the network evaluates his conduct following stunning revelations from the New York Attorney General’s investigation into his brother, ousted Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

“The New York Attorney General’s office released transcripts and exhibits Monday that shed new light on Chris Cuomo’s involvement in his brother’s defense,” CNN began its statement Tuesday evening. “The documents, which we were not privy to before their public release, raise serious questions. When Chris admitted to us he had offered advice to his brother’s staff, he broke our rules and we acknowledged that publicly. But we also appreciated the unique position he was in and understood his need to put family first and job second.”

“However,” CNN continued, “these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother’s efforts than we previously knew. As a result, we have suspended Chris indefinitely, pending further evaluation.”

First, since when have the rules about anything mattered to CNN? If Fredo’s brother, Flaming Cuomo were still in office, do you really think CNN’s management would have show Fredo the door? Of course not! Second, of course Fredo was going to use every tool in the box to protect his brother. Why? Well, it is a family thing, (Will not make Mafia Jokes!), and of course, the only reason Fredo had his job at CNN was due to his brother being Governor.

Calls for the “Cuomo Prime Time” host to be fired intensified on Monday after newly-released documents showed he was far more involved in aiding his embattled brother than he previously disclosed to viewers.

Transcripts from his interview with investigators show the CNN star admitting he would reach out to media sources to find out about new accusers who have yet to come forward publicly. 

“When asked, I would reach out to sources, other journalists, to see if they had heard of anybody else coming out,” Cuomo told investigators.

Ok, I’ll be honest and ask why this would be a problem. Asking around to see if anyone else had heard anything is just a natural thing to do. If it had ended there, I suspect Fredo would still have a job, but it didn’t.

Three days after the New York Times broke the story about Anna Ruch, who alleged the governor sexually harassed her at a 2019 wedding reception, the CNN anchor texted top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa, “I have a lead on the wedding girl.” 

Oops! I would say that this is a bit different than just seeing if anyone else had heard anything.

In another exchange, DeRosa texted to Cuomo, “Rumor going around from politico 1-2 more ppl coming out tomorrow,” then asking him “Can u check your sources?” 

Cuomo replied “on it,” later writing back “No one has heard that yet.”

Fredo, like the fictional Fredo Corleone, has never been the brightest bulb in the lamp, and DeRosa’s none to sharp either. The basic rule of thumb when doing things like this is not to leave any sort of a trail that can be tracked. Text messages, phone calls, email, any of that can be accessed by investigators. It doesn’t help that Fredo Cuomo has all the subtly of a crashing airplane.

The CNN anchor snooped into the progress of Ronan Farrow’s reporting about his brother and relayed it to the governor’s inner circle.

He admitted to contacting colleagues of Farrow for updates but claimed it was simply “business-as-usual” to employ such methods. Text messages released by state investigators showed DeRosa asking about “intel the CNN anchor had about Farrow’s report on March 15, to which he replied it wasn’t ready for publication. Farrow’s story was eventually published on March 18. 

Additionally, the transcript from investigators’ interview with Democratic strategist and Andrew Cuomo ally Lis Smith showed Chris Cuomo had forwarded her documents regarding the governor’s second accuser Charlotte Bennett and her “time in college.”

Fredo Cuomo is typical of “Journalists” these days. They literally thing they are important and can do no wrong. Fredo has been bouncing around the networks for years, pretty much following his brother, Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo’s rise in Progressive Liberal Democrat circles. Now that Flaming Cuomo has flamed out ans crashed spectacularly, Fredo is of no further value to the “Progressive Elite,” and he too, is being shown the door.

CNN, on the other hand, has a major issue on their hands. They let Fredo run rampant in his attempts to protect his crooked brother. Add to this that CNN’s credibility is all but nonexistent these days, and their ratings are dropping faster than Dementia Joe’s poll numbers. When the various CNN on air (no)talent was called upon to report that Fredo was out, they were, so I understand, basically tongue tied.

I suspect that all of these moonbats are beginning to see the writing on the wall and are terrified that they’re the next ones on the chopping block. CNN needs to clean house and completely rebuild if they have any hope of continuing to exist. Frankly, I think it’s to late and that CNN needs to be closed down and abandoned by AT&T. Bye Bye Fredo, say hello to your brother on the unemployment line.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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