Biden begs OPEC to increase production. OPEC looking at cuts instead

Good day all. In less than a year, the United States has gone from being a net energy exporter to importing oil. This is thanks to the incompetence and criminal stupidity of the Meat Puppet, President Bumbles Dementia, and his entire maladministration.

Since the first day of the disaster known as the Biden Maladministration, they have done everything they can to kill the energy sector in the United States, all in the name of “Climate Change.” The result has been a doubling of the cost of oil and gas, with the added “bonus” that the United States is back to importing oil again.

Recently, President Dementia decided to bend a knee to OPEC, and plead with the to increase production. Not only did they laugh in that fools face, they are looking at stopping production for a while. Here are the details from Fox Business:

Top oil producers Saudi Arabia and Russia are considering pausing their planned efforts to ramp up oil production, according to The Wall Street Journal, after the U.S. and other energy-consuming countries said they would tap their national strategic petroleum reserves in an attempt to bring down gasoline prices.

The Journal reported on Wednesday that leaders in Riyadh and Moscow have led the 14-member OPEC, along with other oil-producing countries, in coordinating output closely. Other members of the cartel – such as the United Arab Emirates – are not sure whether such a pause is necessary, according to the Journal, citing people familiar with the matter. 

First, the amount that Bumbles Dementia ordered releases amounts to about two days supply. It was nothing more than a meaningless gesture. Second, that oil went to his paymaster in the People’s Republic of China, not to the American people. Third, those reserves are meant for the United States in case there is a massive disruption to the oil supply. Granted, the Maladministration certainly qualifies, however, trying to use the Strategic Reserve to lower the price of gas was never going to work.

Established after a 1973-74 oil embargo by Arab members of OPEC, the reserve has been used in several emergencies, including in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina made landfall and destroyed swaths of the Gulf of Mexico oil infrastructure. At the time, the Bush administration authorized the release of 20.8 million barrels of crude oil to U.S. producers.

That was to cover lost production due to the offshore rigs being shut down before the storm. Some were badly damaged and all of them had to be reinspected before they could start pumping again. That took time, and this was causing a potential shortage. Our current problems are not due to weather events, but to the stupidity and incompetence of the Democrat, aka Communazi party.

“The fact is we always get through those spikes but we’re going to get through this one as well as hopefully faster,” Biden said in remarks from the White House on Tuesday, adding: “While our combined actions will not solve the problems of high gas prices overnight, it will make a difference. It will take time, but before long you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank.” 

This morons caused the issues we’re having right now. If that senile idiot had left well enough alone, we would be awash in oil right now. Instead, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline and has stopped leasing oil drilling rights in the United States. The entire problem is self inflicted.

Proponents of releasing barrels from the emergency stockpile say that doing so would increase oil supplies and reduce prices at the pump, while also generating billions in revenue for the federal government.

No, actually, it doesn’t. This is not even a short term fix. As for selling the oil, it was meant to be sold to the American refineries, not put on a tanker and shipped to China.

Still, critics say that releasing emergency supplies is a short-term fix to a problem and does not actually increase the country’s oil-production capabilities.

Although Washington attempted to convince the Saudi-led OPEC and a group of Russia-led oil producers to open up their taps and release more oil, the two groups – which call themselves OPEC+ – rejected the push. The groups are set to meet next week to review a deal they reached to boost their collective oil output.

A year ago we had OPEC on the ropes and were pummeling them into a coma. Then we had the Tainted Election and the Deep State put that fool into the Oval Office. Since then, he has been doing whatever his handlers have told him, starting with killing the oil sector. His recent nominees to critical agencies have made it their life’s work to wreck the energy sector no matter the cost.

If you want to fix the problem, it’s very simple, and the technique has been proven to work. Start drilling new wells and pumping from established ones. That was the plan that the Greatest President of the 21st Century used and, hey, guess what? It damn well worked. Now we have moonbats who think cars should run on unicorn farts. Well perhaps not unicorns. They could shove a pipe up Biden’s ass. He certainly produces a lot of gas these days.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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