Keep digging Psaki. You and Biden are in the legal action gun-sights

Good day all. Since Kyle Rittenhouse was shown to have legally acted in self defense when he was attacked by a pedophile and two other criminals, the usual suspects on the left have ramped up all their false accusations against him. This includes Reach Around Psaki and President Bumbles Dementia.

Last year, during the election. Dementia Joe shouted up from his basement bunker that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. There was no proof of this, and in fact, he isn’t, unlike President Bumbles “Poopypants” Dementia. Now that Young Mr. Rittenhouse was acquitted by the jury, and the trial, which was one of the most politically motivated ones I’ve seen outside of any totalitarian state, showed that Mr. Rittenhouse was anything but a White Supremacist, you would think the idiot on the oval office would apologize. You would be wrong in that thought. Here are the details from Fox News:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday refused to retract comments by President Biden characterizing 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse as a White supremacist.

During her daily press briefing, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked whether the president would be willing to apologize for alluding that Rittenhouse is a White supremacist on two separate occasions during the 2020 presidential race.

And what did the paid liar say when asked if the senile pedophile would admit he was mistaken and retract his statement? Reach Around decided to Double Down.

“This is about a campaign video released last year that used President Trump’s own words during a debate as he refused to condemn White supremacists and militia groups,” Psaki responded. “And President Trump, as we know from history, and as many of you covered, didn’t just refuse to condemn militia groups on the debate stage, he encouraged them throughout his presidency. 

“So, you know, what we’ve seen are the tragic consequences of that – when people think it’s OK to take the law into their own hands instead of allowing law enforcement to do its job,” she said. “And the president believes in condemning hatred, division and violence. That’s exactly what was done in that video.”

I really hope, (actually I don’t), that Reach Around Psaki has a good lawyer, along with Dementia Joe. She should be trying to pull herself and the Idiot out of the holes they’ve dug for themselves. Instead, she’s just providing more ammunition to Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers.

During his presidential campaign, Biden shared an image of Rittenhouse in a video he tweeted attempting to link Trump to White supremacists. He also attempted to paint Rittenhouse as a White supremacist during a CNN appearance before the election.

“I don’t know enough to know whether that 17-year-old kid, exactly what he did,” Biden said in August 2020. “Allegedly he’s part of a militia coming out in the state of Illinois. Have you ever heard the president say one negative thing about White supremacists? Have you ever heard it?”

Frankly, I doubt that Dementia Joe actually thought that one up. He hasn’t had a clear thought in decades. I suspect it was on one of the note cards he carries around with him so he can come across as thoughtful and concerned. Instead, he’s opened himself up to being sued, and since he wasn’t in office at the time, he has little to no protection. Psaki herself, has absolutely no protection whatsoever from a slander or libel charge.

Doocy asked Psaki about that statement on Tuesday, saying, “None of this was proven in the trial. And Kyle Rittenhouse is saying that the president had actual malice in defaming his character. Is that what happened here?”

And Psaki, rather than taking the lifeline Doocy threw at her, grabbed the anchor that was rapidly descending int the depths.

“The president spoke to the verdict last week,” Psaki answered. “He has obviously condemned the hatred and division and violence we’ve seen around the country by groups like the Proud Boys and groups that that individual has posted photos with. But beyond that, I’ll leave it to his comments around the verdict.”

Since the end of the trial, Kyle Rittenhouse and his family have retained the same lawyers who made Nick Sandmann a very wealthy young adult. (Also the highest person paid by CNN and the Washington Compost). It will be a few months before the first lawsuits are filed of course. Like Nick Sandmanm, there are literally hundreds of deep pocket progressives who can’t help but shoot their mouth’s off.

The defaming of Kyle Rittenhouse started 20 minutes after the carted the ex-pedophile and the ex-woman beater away. Since the jury finding, the Progressives have, if anything, gone completely over the edge. I suspect that the Rittenhouse legal team is currently sifting through all the garbage. I also suspect it isn’t just the usual targets this time, but also some of the biggest mouths in Hollyweird. (Hey Whoopie! You might want to look into a good libel defense lawyer real soon now)

The only way Progressives learn anything is through repeated virtual beatings. The Rittenhouse team is, no doubt, salivating at all the zeros and commas that are going to be on the checks that will be coming in, either through settlements or by court order. This is going to be great!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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