Water is wet and the View’s Joy Behar is an idiot

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, however the press of current events prevented me from posting it.

Good day all. For those of you who have good taste in your entertainment, not to mention common sense, you’ve probably never heard of, let alone watched ABC’s “The View.” Since I I have more than 4 functioning brain cells, I don’t watch it either. Some people do and they like to report on the stupidity of the hosts.

One of these people is Joy Behar. Until the View was announced as airing, I had never heard of her. I still have no idea who she is or what her claim to fame is. (I have heard of Whoopi Goldberg, but which I hadn’t) The Harpies of The View are uniformly Progressive in their political views. This means they are racists, communists and generally stupid. Joy Behar recently confirmed this point of view by announcing she would always wear a mask forever. Here are the amusing details from Fox News:

Co-host of ABC’s “The View” Joy Behar declared Thursday, (February 17th) that she would continue to wear a mask “indefinitely” when in public places despite the continuously dropping number of coronavirus cases across the country or any potential easing of masking guidelines.

During the opening segment of the show focused on the CDC potentially easing its guidance on wearing masks, Behar told her fellow co-hosts that she was listening to her own guidance rather than the CDC’s because the latter’s were continuously changing, and that she would continue wearing a mask indoors in public places even if the guidelines were eased.

“Personally, I listen to the little voice in my head that doesn’t really follow 100% what they tell me because they keep changing it,” Behar said. “A very short time ago, they were saying put the N95 masks on, and now make sure it’s a – and now they’re saying you don’t have to wear them anymore.”

“So if I go on the subway, if I go in a bus, if I go into the theater … a crowded place, I would wear a mask, and I might do that indefinitely,” she added. “Why do I need the flu or a cold even? And so I’m listening to myself right now. I don’t think it’s 100% safe yet.”

Most Americans have had it with the masks. There are some like Baher who are, to put it bluntly, paranoid hypochondriacs. She is also not known for her great intellect. It’s finally settling in that the Beer virus is going to be here forever, (Thank you Anthony Fauci. If it wasn’t for you and your gain of function research, we might not ever have had an issue with the damn virus), and it will continue to mutate. It’s also weakening with each mutation. The latest version, Omicron is, to all intents and purposes, less of a hassle then the common cold.

Now, if she wants to spend the rest of her life in perpetual terror that she might, just possible, come down with a mild case of the sniffles, who am I to tell her she will not be permitted to wear a mask? If she wants to confirm to the world that she is a barking moonbat and a complete idiot, then have at it. I’ve already stopped wearing the damn things, and only do so under duress.

Perhaps she should consider upping her protection. Might I suggest a clear plastic bag? Be sure to seal it tightly around the neck. Use duct tape and wrap several loops around your neck and the bag to get a a good solid seal. You will be totally safe from any virus. You will also be safe from that pesky gas known as oxygen. To much of that is bad for your heath after all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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