Joe Dementia’s first State of the Union address tonight

Good day all. It’s been over a year since the United States began suffering under the maladministration of the worst president in American History, Joe “Bumbles Dementia” Biden. Tonight, he is going to provide his report to congress, as mandated by the Constitution, of the State of the Union.

Most people don’t need to hear President* Dementia’s address. They have been experiencing the ongoing dumpster fire of that is the “Biden” Administration since shortly after inauguration day. We are being invaded along our southern border, the economy is tanking, we are suffering inflation at a rate not seen in 40+ years, and that drooling idiot has managed to take a world that was reasonably stable and bring us to the brink of World War Three.

Demonstrating the paranoia of the Communazi, they have rebuilt Fort Pelosi and brought in troops to defend them against the hordes of people and trucks that are not planning on coming into the city today. Here are a few details on that from American Military News:

Hundreds of National Guard troops are patrolling Washington, D.C., on foot and in military vehicles for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address set for Tuesday. A fence was also built around the Capitol in preparation.

One group of National guard troops who won’t be going to Washington to protect the ruling elite from the drooling hordes of…pretty much no one, will be the Florida National Guard. Governor DiSantis, in no uncertain terms, flat out refused to send any. Here are a few details on that from Fox 4:

Gov. Ron DeSantis says he is refusing to send Florida National Guard soldiers to the nation’s capital, rejecting a request from President Joe Biden.

“Last week, the Biden Administration requested the assistance of State National Guards to deploy to Washington D.C.,” DeSantis wrote Monday afternoon on Twitter.

“I have rejected this request,” DeSantis continued. “There will be no [Guard] sent to D.C. for Biden’s State of the Union.”

Traditionally, the State of the Union address has been used by presidents to push their agenda. This is why they usually have their first SOTU address shortly after taking office. The addresses also generally run at least an hour. This is may be a problem for Joe “Dementia” Biden.

For the most part, he has been kept away from people and uncontrolled situations since he has a tendency to go off script and start speaking in gibberish. He also is, even when his brain wasn’t a bowl of mush, a pathological liar. It will be a miracle of biblical proportions if he manages to stay on message for the entire hour.

This brings us to the actual “Message.” For the last year, Bumbles Dementia has been pushing his socialist “Build Back Broke” program, which finally died after two Democrats said they wouldn’t support it. That was to be a “Big Deal” for Dementia Joe and the Progressive Elite. (Not so much for the average American. Once they understand what disaster it would be, they turned against it)

Bumbles Dementia was also, during the 2020 election, saying that “He would end the China Virus forever!” When the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, left office, he also left Project Warp Speed which was designed to provide a vaccine for the Beer Virus. Everything was in place and Dementia Joe and his maladministration screwed that up completely.

President Dumpster Fire also went all in on mandates, basically saying if you didn’t get vaccinated with one of the experimental vaccines, then you would become a non-person and would lose your job and all your rights. (Not that he cares about anyone’s rights other than his own) He has also been big on forcing people to wear surgical masks which don’t actually do anything.

Unfortunately for the Idiot in Chief, the Fauci Bioweapon kept mutating. On the plus side, it has grown weaker and weaker with each mutation. However, as each new variant came out, Dementia Joe and his maladministration cranked up the totalitarianism saying that if we didn’t bow down at the feet of Anthony Fauci, we would all DIE!” Like everything else the old fool did, this backfired badly. Now there is a convoy of trucks coming to Washington to protest Biden’s mandates and general incompetence. This is why they rebuilt Fort Pelosi. (Of course, the Truckers aren’t near Washington and never planned to be for the SOTU speech)

Next we have all the foreign policy successes of the Biden Maladministration, starting with the Biden Bugout from Afghanistan and ending with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Thanks to the utter and complete incompetence of Joe Biden, the world is a far more dangerous place today then it was when President Trump was in charge.

Dementia Joe, with the willing accomplices known as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, completely botched the withdrawal from Kabul, and in the process, abandoned thousands of American Citizens. Biden’s weakness, physical, mental and moral, have provided openings for two of the worlds tyrants, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping to think that now was the time to make their land grabs.

Putin is currently bogged down in the Ukraine, thanks to unexpected resistance from the Ukrainian people. This is the one thing that might be giving some pause to PRC president Xi, along with the actual logistics issues in a naval invasion of Taiwan. It certainly isn’t because he is worried about how Bumbles Biden will react.

I don’t intend to watch the SOTU address tonight. I will follow the reactions to the address in the morning from people who are really masochistic and watched Joe Biden lie through his teeth, lose his place, go off message and say something really stupid, and possibly have to leave early because he had yet another “Trousers accident.” If I have time tomorrow, I’ll put something together on this.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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