When Biden says “Don’t worry” it’s time to start worrying

Good day all. The Russian invasion of the Ukraine is not going according to plan. It was supposed to be all over in a day or two with the president fleeing the country and a Russian installed government taking over. Instead, the Ukrainians have been holding out. This is causing Putin to say and do really dumb and dangerous things.

One of the dumb and dangerous things Putin has done is put Russia’s nuclear forces on high alert. Many people are asking why he is doing this, since the United States isn’t going to send troops into the conflict. When asked about this, President* Bumbles Dementia Biden said “Don’t worry, be happy!” Here are the details from Newsmax:

After Russian President Vladimir Putin put his country’s nuclear deterrent on high alert Sunday, President Joe Biden said Americans should not be worried about nuclear war. According to the Daily Mail, on Monday, a White House reporter asked the president, “should Americans be worried about nuclear war?”

“No,” Biden responded.

Whenever Dementia Joe Biden says not to worry about something, that’s when I start worrying. This moron has been 100% wrong 100% of the time for his entire political career. Now do I think Putin is insane enough to launch a nuclear first strike? He might be, but the rest of the Russian ruling cabal isn’t, and I would expect them to stop Putin if he actually tried to use nuclear weapons.

Later, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the White House sees “no reason” to change its nuclear posture.

“We think provocative rhetoric like this is dangerous; [adding] to the risk of miscalculation, should be avoided, and we’ll not indulge in it,” she said after Putin announced “aggressive comments” from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led him to increase nuclear defenses.

“We are,” she continued, “assessing President Putin’s directive, and at this time we see no reason to change our own alert levels.”

Increasing the alert levels of nuclear forces is NOT rhetoric, it is an actual physical thing that can be observed using national technical means. Now should we increase our alert levels? I am no expert, but I would take some small precautions, such as making sure our nuclear triad is in good shape and that any ballistic missile subs currently in port are fully crewed and ready to depart quickly. (Or, if they are in range, launch the missiles if an attack occurs)

Now, is Dementia Joe just putting on a “Brave Face” to keep people from panicking? I doubt it. Even before his mental decline, his stupidity and incompetence was well known. He was wrong about Reagan’s military buildup, (He was against it), and he was wrong in thinking that Putin wouldn’t invade the Ukraine. I hope he isn’t wrong again, or that fool will get us into a nuclear war, and I fully expect him to be so mentally incapacitated that he won’t be able to issue the orders to respond. I guess we should all just follow his example and…


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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