Maladministration terrified of Elon Musk

Good day all. Elon Musk has made multi-tons of money from things like the Tesla and other products. He is also one of the greatest innovators we’ve seen in a while. He is also no shrinking violet when it comes to speaking his mind, especially when it comes to Joe Dementia Biden.

To say that Elon Musk holds Bumbles Dementia in contempt would be a bit of an understatement. Because of this, and Biden’s increasing mental incapacity, his handlers do not want the two of them in the same room. They would prefer to not have them on the same planet if that were possible, but Musk’s Mars plans aren’t quite ready yet. Here are the details from the New York Post:

The White House is reportedly worried Elon Musk would be a bad guest if invited to meet with President Biden — a target of frequent mockery by the Tesla founder.

Some of Biden’s top advisers have purportedly warned against inviting Musk to the White House over fears he would say something to embarrass the administration.

No! He would never do that. Besides, what could he say that would embarrass the administration? They’re to busy embarrassing themselves and don’t need any help from Musk.

The billionaire has repeatedly slammed the White House for failing to mention Tesla while discussing its plans for major nationwide investments in electric vehicles.

I suspect one reason they haven’t mentioned the Tesla is that Musk hasn’t bought any of Hoovernose Biden’s paint by numbers pictures.

Biden and his close advisers are said to be irritated with Musk’s public criticism and have no immediate plans to invite him to the White House for future events, CNBC reported, citing sources familiar with the matter.

I’m sure that Musk’s heart is broken at the thought of not meeting the worst president in American history. Why he might just shoot off another SpaceX rocket so he can feel better about things.

When CNBC asked about the White House’s apparent concerns, Musk responded with a pair of “roll on the floor laughing” emojis and suggested his attendance at a future meeting shouldn’t be a cause of concern.

They have nothing to worry about,” Musk said. “I would do the right thing.”

I think that’s exactly what they’re afraid of.

In January, Biden met with the CEOs of Ford and General Motors while promoting his Build Back Better Bill and claimed that “companies like GM and Ford are building more electric vehicles here at home than ever before.”

I won’t bother going into the epic failure that the “Build Back Broke” bill would have been if it had become law. We also don’t have the infrastructure to support millions of electric cars. I won’t bother with the technical issues of energy storage and recharging times, not to mention the range of these things.

That snub appeared to infuriate Musk, who referred to Biden last month as a “damp [sock] puppet in human form” and claimed the president was “treating the American public like fools.”

It got to the point, hilariously, where no one in the administration was even allowed to say the word ‘Tesla’! The public outrage and media pressure about that statement forced him to admit that Tesla does in fact lead the EV industry,” Musk told CNBC.

Regardless of my personal issues with the Tesla, it is a successful product. The garbage put out by the other car companies don’t even come close.

“I have nothing against Biden otherwise, apart from general concern about more deficit spending, which would apply to any president, and actively supported the Obama-Biden election,” Musk told the outlet.

Oh well, everyone makes mistakes, and Obama was a disaster for the United States. However, that is many, many posts for another day. As for the current maladministration. They finally acknowledged Musk’s contributions.

A White House spokesperson praised Musk in a statement to CNBC, telling the outlet that “Tesla has done extraordinary things for electric vehicles and that’s a big part of why the whole industry now knows EVs are the future.”

Actually, they aren’t, not unless we make some major breakthroughs in energy storage, generation, range and recharge times. Still, the maladministration couldn’t just leave it at that.

But the administration also took a dig at Musk, who has spoken out against federal subsidies for electric vehicles included in the Build Back Better bill. The legislation has passed the House but is stalled in the Senate.

Stalled is a nice way of saying “It’s dead Jim.”

Tesla also benefited greatly from past EV tax credits, but unfortunately, their CEO has suggested an opposition to new EV tax credits,” a White House spokesperson added.

Tesla did benefit from tax breaks in it’s early phases, but has moved on from that and doesn’t need them. The Build Back Broke bill was, among other things, nothing more than a wealth transfer to connected companies and people, and would have completely collapsed the economy. Elon Musk knows numbers and hyperinflation isn’t going to help him sell cars.

I don’t know if Elon Musk went to the Trump White House or not, but a quick search seems to indicate they are of like minds on many things. I do know that one thing Dementia Joe’s handlers don’t have to worry about is Musk running for president. He can’t. He is not a native born American, but a naturalized one. It will be interesting to see where he stands come 2024.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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