Barking Moonbat want Covid Amnesty

Good day all. Now that people are putting the Coronavirus behind them, and trying to pick up the pieces of the worst mistakes made in decades by the Government, they are also looking at who was responsible for this mess.

We know that Anthony Fauci was the one who paid the lab in Wuhan, China to do the Gain of Function research on the Covid-19 virus. It’s now generally accepted that the virus escaped the lab and spread throughout the population. We’re also learning that most of the responses had nothing to do with the Fauci Bioweapon and everything to do with money and power. Now people are starting to demand answers.

This has led to those responsible to say that we need to have “Covid Amnesty.” In a recent column in the Atlantic by Emily Oster, she announced that in order to “Move on” we must grant amnesty to all those who pushed the extreme measures on America and the world. The response to the column has been a swift and loud “Are you Fucking KIDDING ME? Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Conservatives on social media excoriated the author of an article in The Atlantic this week who called for a “pandemic amnesty” where opponents of coronavirus lockdown measures would forgive those who pushed masking, shutdowns, and vaccines during the pandemic.

“Kids missed out on their education,” California Republican State Sen. Melissa Melendez posted on Twitter. “Mom & Pops went out of business. Military members were kicked out. The list goes on and on.  Those responsible deserve every bit of scorn cast their way.”

Oh I think scorn is the least they deserve. For many in the Ruling Elite, long prison sentences in the electric chair might be justified.

The Atlantic article, titled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty” and published on Monday, was written by Brown University Economics Professor Emily Oster and attempted to make the case that supporters of lockdown measures “didn’t know” that cloth masks were not effective, outdoor transmission of the virus was nonexistent, and were motivated by “deep uncertainty.”

What absolute crap. Studies on the use of masks, cloth or paper, were conducted long before the Wuhan Flu made an appearance and it was known at the start that masks, unless specifically designed for the purpose, were worse then useless.

Conservatives on social media blasted the article and overwhelmingly “ratioed” the post giving it far more negative replies than retweets and likes. 

“Most enraging thing I’ve read in a long time,” Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich tweeted. “You ppl destroyed lives, had people fired, set back kids for a generation, promoted an anti-American vilification/social passport system for ‘the unvaccinated,’ censored, etc. We had the data in May 2020. These ppl ignored. No”

Back at the height of this nonsense, we had the totalitarians, Karens, AWFULs and the Democrats demanding that anyone who didn’t toe the line should be punished up to and including being locked up in FEMA concentration camps. (Which happened in Australia) As to what has changed and why these people want an amnesty?

“Funny how the calls for amnesty come right before Republicans take charge,” Fox News Contributor Lisa Boothe tweeted.

“Oh no, @ProfEmilyOster,” Fox News Senior Meteorologist Janice Dean, who lost both her in-laws to the coronavirus while they were housed in New York nursing facilities, tweeted. “Many of us won’t ever forgive or forget. Especially when it comes to the seniors who died in nursing homes after leaders flooded their residences with covid patients and never told us or protected them. They knew better. We deserve justice first.”

Right off the bat, there are several current and former governors who need to be prosecuted for mass murder starting with Andrew Flaming Cuomo. That moron ordered that recovering Covid patients be put in nursing homes, although they were still infectious. The nursing homes were filled with people who are very high risk due to age and other infirmities. We’re still trying to figure out just how many people were killed by Cuomo with this idiocy.

“Hell no,” the popular conservative Twitter account LibsofTikTok posted. “I’ll never forget what the Democrats did- how they destroyed thousands of lives by forcing school/business closures, people died alone in hospitals while nurses danced because they didn’t allow visitors, thousands lost their jobs for refusing a vax, list goes on and on.”

On the job front, I was threatened with losing my real world job if I didn’t get “The Jab” even though I had contracted and recovered from Covid early on. We’re now seeing the results of these mandated vaccinations. The vaccines weren’t fully tested for both safety and efficacy and guess what? It’s turning out that they weren’t safe and they aren’t very effective. (Except in looting the treasury and shipping tax money to Big Pharma of course)

In an emailed statement to Fox News Digital, Professor Oster said that the coronavirus pandemic “created many problems that we still need to solve and rehashing what we got right or got wrong during an uncertain time is not going to move us forward.”

“Student test scores have shown historic declines,”Oster continued. “Routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down.  We need to collect data, experiment, and invest.  We need to move forward, because we are losing daylight on getting this generation of kids back on track.”

A Monmouth University poll released in March asked respondents whether they “support or oppose instituting, or reinstituting, face mask and social distancing guidelines” in their state at the current time. Sixty percent of Democrats said they support it, compared with 12% of Republicans.

You still see Paranoid hypochondriacs wearing masks while sitting alone in their cars. The statistic though is very interesting and helps show the divide in America. The majority of Democrats are nothing more then unthinking sheep looking for someone to tell them what to do.

The Republican and conservative members of American society tend to be in the group that just wants to be left alone and get on with things. They actually think for themselves and prefer to make their own decisions using the best information available. Of course, when you have active censorship of any idea or information that violates the Ruling Elite’s current dogma, well, most people will still think for themselves and use what they can see with their own lying eyes.

The vast majority of Americans, 73%, said they agreed with the sentiment that “it’s time we accept that COVID is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.”

And, as long as we keep Fauci from doing more gain of function research, we will see both the virus continuing to mutate into a weaker strain and more people developing natural immunity. Oh, by the way, people like Oster refused to even consider natural immunity as even possible.

Emily Oster is rightly being pilloried for her stupid idea. The damage done by the likes of Fauci and others can not be forgiven, it must be punished. As for Oster, she writes for the Atlantic. They make the old Soviet Pravda look like unbiased, balanced journalism. Her credibility is minimal at best.

Looking at her Wikipedia page, she’s yet another one of those people who live the mantra, “Those who can’t do, teach.” It doesn’t look like she’s ever held a job in the “Dreaded private sector.” Perhaps she can actually learn something form all the abuse and ridicule being thrown her way. Naah, she’s an ivory tower intellectual elitist. They are not capable of learning anything. If she were, she wouldn’t have written this drek.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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