Calls to remove McConnell increasing

Good day all with the debacle of the Midterms now in the rear view mirror, the Senate Republicans are doing some serious soul searching to determine what happened and more importantly, why. What happened is known. The why is both complicated and simple. The complicated parts include things like money, voting, (Maricopa County once again showed the world how not to conduct an election) and not articulating what the GOP was going to do clearly.

The simple part, at least for the Senate is Mitch McConnell. For the last 6 months he was insulting the GOP base regarding who they elected in the primaries, (Senate and House), and in the final weeks of the campaign, basically torpedoed several senatorial campaigns by pulling his Super PAC’s funding from them.

The reason why McConnell did this is simple. He is a denizen of the Washington Deep State Swamp and a fully paid member of the Beltway Globalist Uniparty. The people who should have won on the Senate side had made it known they did not support McConnell’s continued leadership in the Senate. McConnell would rather rule as minority leader then lose all his power and prestige with a Republican Senate. Unfortunately for McConnell, it’s backfiring badly. Here are some of the details from The Federalist:

After Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sabotaged Republicans in the 2022 midterms — pulling spending from competitive GOP candidates such as Blake Masters and even actively spending money against state GOP-endorsed candidates like Alaska’s Kelly Tshibaka — a growing chorus of Republicans is signaling it’s time for McConnell’s tenure in Senate leadership to end.

Sabotage is a very strong word, but it’s also accurate. It was fine if Cocaine Mitch wanted to support his RINO friends during the primaries, but once the selections had been made, his duty was to back them and work to get them elected. Instead, he put his own interests ahead of the Republican party and the country. Currently, there are a number of Republican Senators who are now saying that times up for The Turtle.

  • Josh Hawley
  • Marco Rubio
  • Cyntia Lummis
  • Mike Lee
  • Ron Johnson, (Who just barely won his seat, no thanks to Cocaine Mitch)
  • Rick Scott
  • Ted Cruz
  • Lindsey Graham (No surprise here. He held his finger up to see which way the wind is blowing)
  • Eric Schmitt (Who won his first race with no help at all from Cocaine Mitch)
  • J.D. Vance (Another new Senator-Elect who has stated McConnell has to go)

There are two more who have not yet won since their races are continuing. Herschel Walker in Georgia who is in a runoff and Kelly Tshibaka in Alaska. The Alaska race is assumed to remain in the hands of the GOP, the question is, which one? Thanks to the Ranked Choice crap put in place to protect McConnell’s Uniparty pal Lisa Murkowsky, the race is going to their idea of a runoff. It’s possible that Murkowsky might yet again sleaze her way back into the Senate. She received all the money that Cocaine Mitch pulled from other’ winnable races. Here are a few details on that from The Federalist:

McConnell’s super PAC, the Senate Leadership Fund, went on to gut desperately needed campaign cash from conservative candidates in Arizona and New Hampshire who refused to kiss the ring of Washington monarchs. In Arizona, McConnell axed $18 million from the race where Republican venture capitalist Blake Masters sought to bring down a well-funded Democrat incumbent.

While the Masters race remains too close to call, Gen. Don Bolduc in New Hampshire was comfortably defeated by Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan, who captured a second term despite multiple polls showing the Republican within the margins of error.

Bolduc was similarly abandoned by the GOP leader with $5.6 million cut from the contest. Both Bolduc and Masters signaled support for another candidate to lead the Senate conference if elected to the upper chamber.

Mitch McConnell deliberately threw away the potential GOP majority for his own personal gain. He deserves to not only be stripped of all his position, if it were possible, he should be booted from the Republican Party and expelled from the Senate. While he can’t be booted from the Senate, and I don’t know if he can be kicked out of the Republican Party, he can be removed from his positions of power and sent to the back bench for the remainder of his term. He deserves more, but certainly no less.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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