Pinterest has “Corrected” the issue with Anger Centrals images

Good day all. Thanks to the complaints to Pinterest by the Angry Systems Administrator, we have regained access to our image files. We have not been informed as to what happened, however, I suspect it was a shadow ban of some sort.

As the Angry Systems Administrator reported a few days ago, we lost access to our image files on Pinterest. We could see the thumbnails but couldn’t go down to the full sized images. We were able to see the images on our blog posts and access them that way. We spent the last few days “Scraping” our site for as many images as we could. (And there are a Hell of a lot more of them that I thought)

Yesterday I tried accessing them again on Pinterest and Lo and Behold, full access was restored!

Needless to say, the first thing I did was download my template images. We’re also going to see how many images we missed during our “Scraping Party” of the last few days. (It doesn’t look like to many) I will say that we have learned our lesson. While we will continue to use Pinterest, we are going to keep multiple backups, just in case.

Frankly, I can’t complain to much. It’s not like we’re paying for the service. If it was just a technical glitch on their end, then I can accept that. If it was an actual shadow ban of some sort? Perhaps they should look at what’s happening with Musk and the Twitter Files. People are not happy with Big Tech right now.

Thank you for your patience.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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