Pete Buttplug, Secretary of Transportation, when he bothers to shows up

Good day all. One of the Biden Maladministration diversity hires is the Secretary of Transportation, Pete “Buttplug” Buttigieg. He is the former mayor of South Bend, when he bothered to show up and do his job, and is considered to be a failure as mayor. Following the standard Progressive hiring process, he was put into a job that he has zero qualifications for, the Secretary of Transportation.

The Department of Transportation, (DOT), handles everything that moves in the United States and a lot of what it moves on. It is one of the more important departments in the United States Government and can be considered to be an actual constitutional department. (Unlike most of the others) Since this is such an important position, the Maladministration used one search criteria. They wanted a progressive homosexual. Pete Buttplug met all the requirements and was confirmed by the Democrat controlled Senate.

Almost as soon as he took office, Buttplug disappeared on “Paternity leave” and was no where to be found when the supply chain all but collapsed. He finally returned and continued his showing his incompetence for the role. Recently, the nation’s railroad unions were poised to go on strike.

It took an act of Congress to prevent the unions from walking off the job and collapsing the already shaky economy. One person who seems to have had other things he considered more important than keeping goods moving was the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttplug. He was on vacation. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

As rail contract negotiations entered a period of crisis in September, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg phoned in from over 3,500 miles away during a vacation in Porto, Portugal, a posh tourist destination best known for its wine production, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Buttigieg quietly jetted off to Portugal on Aug. 29, a week before Amtrak began canceling all long-distance trips in preparation of a potentially catastrophic rail strike. The Labor Day weekend travel was a “long-planned personal trip,” a Department of Transportation spokeswoman told the Free Beacon, and Buttigieg “remained available and engaged” from Europe.

This was a critical situation and once again Buttplug put his personal desires ahead of the nation. He should have canceled is vacation and worked to resolve the issues. That is his job after all. However, just like with the problems with the ports and shipping in 2021, Buttplug was no where to be found and people were covering for him.

News of Buttigieg taking a vacation at a time of high-stakes negotiations in the transportation industry comes as he faces anger from rail worker unions over the results of those contract negotiations. Unions’ chief demand of paid sick leave was absent from the final contract, which was not reached through an agreement but rather forced through by federal law earlier this month.

I’ve mentioned before that I flat out am not qualified to comment on the issues the Unions were raising regarding staffing and time off. This is something that Buttplug and his staffers should have had a handle on long before it became necessary for Congress to intervene.

Though President Joe Biden tapped Buttigieg as one of the administration’s leaders for negotiations, the ambitious politician appeared more concerned with campaigning and fundraising for Democratic candidates in the lead-up to the midterm elections than with securing benefits for the unions.

Even that wasn’t his ultimate priority.

Now it appears that attending his vacation in Europe was also higher on his priority list.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.), who voted against the rail contract and has urged his party to capitalize on the administration’s failed negotiations, said Buttigieg’s decision to fly to Portugal was “a joke.”

“Pete Buttigieg will take paid vacation in Europe for days on end but doesn’t think rail workers should get more than one day of sick leave,” Hawley said.

The sick leave issue is one I am concerned with. There are times when you need to take some sick days because you are actually sick, or you need to see a doctor. I’m not up to date on their vacation time, however, you shouldn’t be forced to use that to handle medical issues. Obviously, Buttplug isn’t at all concerned with the well being of people who move all the products that keep Buttplug in champagne and caviar when attending a fundraiser in Paris or something.

“This is the same guy who took months of paid leave at the height of the supply chain crisis,” he continued, referencing the paternity leave that Buttigieg took after he and his husband adopted children. “If rail workers showed up for work as rarely as Buttigieg does, the country would fall apart.”

From what I recall, this is an ongoing thing with Buttplug. He pulled the same stunt as mayor of South Bend, never showing up to actually do the job he was elected to and paid to do. He likes to jet around and blow his own horn, (among other things he likes to blow) Of course, his minions in the DOT think he’s just wonderful.

“Overall, the secretary’s work toward helping successfully prevent a rail shutdown included dozens of calls and meetings between April and December,” Buttigieg’s spokeswoman said.

The White House and Buttigieg’s inability to secure paid sick leave for rail workers drew anger from unions across the country. That rail contract not only alienated a critical Democratic constituency as Buttigieg likely plans a bid for higher office, it also provided Republicans with a messaging opportunity.

That message is rather simple. “You voted for these morons, and you are getting what you wanted, good and hard.”

The reason for Buttigieg’s vacation is unclear, although it appears the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., didn’t want the public to know about it.

The apparent lengths that Buttplug and his “husband” went to to hide where they actually were is both interesting and telling.

Buttigieg maintained a social media presence during his time in Portugal and made it seem like he was traveling in the United States. On Sept. 1, in the middle of his vacation, he posted a “selfie” video of himself speaking from a U.S. airport about a new Department of Transportation airline consumer complaint tool. “If you’re traveling this weekend or anytime, know that our department has your back,” Buttigieg says in the video.

That’s a load of horse manure. One of the questions arising from Buttplug’s “Vacation” is how he got to Portugal. His usual mode of travel is by Private/corporate jet paid for by the taxpayers of the United States. Somehow, I don’t think he flew commercial. He’ like all the others in the Progressive Elite, think that they are above things like flying coach on a commercial aircraft with the rest of the serfs and hoi polloi. Is it any wonder that the United States is descending into ruin?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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