Democrats looking to dump Kamala Harris, Part 97

Good day all. Back in in 2020, Kamala Harris, who was then the junior Senator from the failed state of Kalifornistan, decided to run for President. Her run failed miserably as she was completely destroyed in the early primaries. When the Democrat Elite, for some unknown reason, allowed the corrupt dementia case, Joe Biden to become the nominee, they also decided to put Harris on the ticket.

To be honest, they didn’t have much choice back then, thanks to the devastation of the Democrat “Bench” under Obama. Still, they needed some sort of figurehead to use in the Tainted Election of 2020, and the Biden/Harris ticket was created.

It was soon clear that Joe Biden was mentally unfit to hold the office he had been installed in and many people assumed that Harris was to be held at the ready once Biden stepped down due to ill health. The idea, so the story went, was that Biden would remain in office as a figurehead for the minimum amount of time needed so that when Harris took over, she would be able to rule for the remainder of Biden’s term and then have two more for herself.

Then reality set in. Joe Biden has been a complete disaster as president. This wasn’t unanticipated, but no one expected Kamala Harris to be the complete and utter incompetent she’s turned out to be. While Biden has the excuse of a declining mental state, Harris has turned out to be just plain stupid. Now the Democrat “Powers that be” are quietly looking at a way to get rid of her. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Some Democrats are leaking their disdain for Vice President Kamala Harris to the press, with a few political bigwigs arguing openly that Harris is a major liability for 2024. Harris is struggling to “define her vice presidency. Even her allies are tired of waiting,” the New York Times headlined in an article Monday.

Historically, the office of Vice President doesn’t have any real duties other than presiding over the senate and casting tie breaker votes. Presidents may assign them further duties, or put them in a broom closet and forget about them. (FDR did this with Truman. When FDR died, Truman was swamped with all the information he should have already had and didn’t have a lot of time to process it. This included the Manhattan Project)

Harris was given several duties to perform. One was to deal with the mess Biden had made of the border. Thanks to Biden’s utter stupidity and hatred of all things Trump, he undid all the processes and procedures the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump had put in place to secure the southern border. The result has been nothing less than a flat out invasion. Biden’s handlers thought that having Harris “Fix” the mess would look good on her resume. The problem was, Kamala Harris. She has yet to actually visit the border.

She was then sent on several foreign policy missions, one of which was to try and stop Putin from invading the Ukraine. As we can see, she wasn’t very successful.

One of the few issues that some Democrats are in agreement on — whether they’re allies of the vice president or not — is that she is a disappointment at best, the Times reported.

“But the painful reality for Ms. Harris is that in private conversations over the last few months, dozens of Democrats in the White House, on Capitol Hill and around the nation — including some who helped put her on the party’s 2020 ticket — said she had not risen to the challenge of proving herself as a future leader of the party, much less the country.”

Even some Democrats who were supposed to be supporters of Harris “confided privately that they had lost hope in her,” according to the Times.

I have no idea what these idiots expected. Did they think that if they put Harris into a position of responsibility, she would grow into it? They all knew Harris’s history. She wasn’t much of a Senator, and as the Kalifornistan Attorney General, she should have been prosecuted for her massive violations of civil rights. Now the “Grand Poobah’s of the Democratic Communazi party are realizing they made a major mistake when the selected her to be VP.

Democratic fundraiser John Morgan was one of the few voices to speak out on the record against Harris, arguing that her weakness as vice president will be “one of the most hard-hitting arguments against Biden.”

The argument only becomes stronger because of the president’s age, Morgan said.

Not just his age, but his mental capacities and utter corruption.

“It doesn’t take a genius to say, ‘Look, with his age, we have to really think about this,’” he argued.

Joe Biden is already the oldest president ever to serve in office at 80 years old.

He is also the most incompetent, the dumbest and potentially the most corrupt.

Morgan also took aim at Harris’ record of achievement as vice president.

“I can’t think of one thing she’s done except stay out of the way and stand beside him at certain ceremonies,” he said.

Oh she’s done a lot as Vice President. She’s failed at everything she was tasked to do, and failed miserably. She can’t even deliver a speech without mangling it beyond all recognition.

If Biden were to drop dead tomorrow and Harris became President, it wouldn’t take her long to do something really bad, up to and potentially including getting us into a war. (Democrats are really good at getting America into wars we shouldn’t be in and have been for decades) I also have no doubt that she would go on a power trip not seen since a certain Austrian house painter became Chancellor of Germany almost a century ago.

Harris is where she is for one reason and one reason only. She is not all that smart. She is basically lazy and she blames her staff for her own personal failings. She’s also very ambitious. None of these are a recipe for success, so Harris used the only tools she had to get ahead. She slept her way to the top. Now people are seeing her for what she is. A prostitute.

Now the Democrats are having yet another case of Buyer’s Remorse, and they are looking for ways to get rid of her sooner rather than later. One thing is almost certain. Harris won’t be on the ticket in 2024 no matter who the Democrats try to shove down America’s throats.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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