As inflation rockets ever higher, Bumbles Biden blames everyone else

Good day all. Since the worst president in American History was installed into office, the economy, which was starting to rebuild after the Great Panicdemic of 2020, has gone right off a cliff. The out of control spending by both the Maladministration and Congress has finally caught up and the inflation rate is the highest it’s been in 40+ years.

This is all due to the mentally incompetent idiot’s constant demands to pay off his backers of course, but Joe Biden, being Joe Biden, refuses to take the blame for his abject failure. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

President Biden said Friday he takes no responsibility for the ongoing inflation crisis in the country, as he highlighted a stronger-than-expected January jobs report.

“Do you take any blame for inflation?” one reporter asked.

“No,” Biden responded. 

Biden then began spewing his usual lies.

“Remember what the economy was like when I got here? Jobs were hemorrhaging, inflation was rising. We weren’t manufacturing a damn thing here. We were in real economic difficulty. That’s why I don’t,” the president said.

Let’s disassemble that statement, shall we? To begin with, thanks to the Deep State, the CDC and that liar Anthony Fauci, we were dealing with what is now known as the Great PanicDemic of 2020. We know that Fauci and the CDC flat out lied to both President Trump and the American People, which led to the decision to lock down the United States and put everyone under House Arrest.

President Trump was only looking for a couple of weeks to allow hospitals to clear the decks, as it were for what Fauci, the CDC and the World Health Organization said was going to be the worst pandemic since the Black Death hit Europe 600 years ago. It was the Governors of the states that cranked up the lock-downs, with a few exceptions, and the Democrat Govno’s who really screwed things up. (Big surprise there)

Prior to that, the economy was exploding, with manufacturing jobs returning to the United States for the first time in decades. Unemployment was plummeting and jobs were plentiful. All aspects of America were benefiting from the policies of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, especially the “Minorities.” That was what really worried the Progressive Elites. Blacks, Asians and Hispanics were starting to move away from the Democrat Plantation, and the Slavers were not going to permit that under any circumstances.

This is why the 2020 presidential election will always be considered tainted. President Trump could not be controlled by the “Deep State Uniparty Ruling Elites” and was doing things that cut into the elites bottom line. President Trump wasn’t interested in Endless Wars, although he wouldn’t hesitate to drop the hammer when it was actually needed. (Just ask General Suleimani. He’s right over there, and over there, back there and I think he might be under there as well)

Experts at the Heritage Foundation analyzed consumer prices and interest rates and found in their latest report released Thursday that the average American household has lost the equivalent of $7,400 in annual income since Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021. 

The income loss represents an increase of $200 from September, when the think tank’s research found a $7,200 decline in annual income for the average American household dating back to the start of Biden’s term.

Expect things to get a lot worse before they get better, and if the Democrats rig the next election, you can basically kiss the United States economy good bye. (Along with the United States itself) Biden isn’t doing this alone of course. He has plenty of help from UpChuck Schumer, Comrade Elizabeth Fauxahontas Warren and the RINO’s and TransRepublicans in both the House and Senate.

I’m of the opinion that it’s time to forget trying to fix things in Washington and time to start working at the local and state levels. It may be time to start looking at an Article V convention of the states with an eye towards forcing a balanced budget, term limits and stripping powers usurped by the Federal government in violation of the 9th and 10th Amendments. The only other alternative is something no one with a rational mind wants.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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