Fat RINO Chris Christie considering running for President

Good day all. Former govno of New Jersey, Chris Christie considers himself to be prime presidential material. He is now actively considering announcing his run for office and will decide in the next month or so.

I had, happily, forgotten all about Chris Christie, and I think many others have as well. He is a standard Country Club Bush/Chaney RINO. He served two terms as Govno of New Jersey and was nearly indicted for some really stupid political games his staffers pulled. He is all in favor of disarming the American People and tearing up the 2nd Amendment. Now he thinks he should be president. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Former New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie laid out a time frame for when he will decide whether to jump into the 2024 race for president.

“Next 45 to 60 days,” he told the Washington Examiner, noting that a campaign is still something he is actively considering.

The 45 to 60 day timeline is designed to do some polling and to talk to some potential donors. I don’t think his polls will be all that helpful for him.

Christie was vaulted to national prominence during his first term as governor, exhibiting a penchant for going viral on YouTube for his tough, frank talk. He ultimately opted not to run for president in 2012 despite polls showing him being competitive with then-President Barack Obama and was later unsuccessful in pursuing the 2016 GOP nod.

Yeah about that “Competitive” thing? They are overlooking the fact that blubberbutt basically got down on his knees and gave Obama a blow job. Don’t think for a moment that won’t come out.

“I think running for president of the United States is an intensely personal decision. And that’s one that anybody who’s considering it should have the right to make on their own regardless of anybody else’s thoughts on it,” Christie said.

So he’s not paying any attention to people who are asking a very important question. Why? What does he have to offer America? Former Maryland Govno took the hint when he gave up his ideas of running for president. He understood, sort of, that the Republican base in Flyover country hold him in utter contempt. He had less of a chance then Kamala Harris did she she gave up before the first Primary.

“I have enormous respect for Gov. Hogan. He’s my friend, and I have great respect for his decision,” Christie said. “I think it’ll be a significantly smaller field than it was in 2016. And I think that it would be good for us, given all the losing we’ve done over the last four years, to have a robust primary.”

And there’s another reason to tell The Great Jersey Whale to go pound sand. No one else respects Hogan. He is just another TransRepublican. He identifies as a Republican, but he’s actually a Democrat. He’s also a Bush/Cheney Globalist, and like them, has no problem putting America under the United Nations and making America the world’s police. (See Endless wars)

“If America walks away from that leadership role in the world, believe me, that vacuum will be filled … by the Chinese and the Russians,” Christie added. “And that will not make it a safer or more secure world. I think on this, Gov. DeSantis is either hopelessly naive or hopelessly cynical.”

I am somewhat aware of the comments by Governor DeSantis, but haven’t really looked at them. Apparently, he said something about the Ukraine conflict not really a vital concern of the United States in the grand scheme of things. Well, that’s something for another post if it interests me.

Chris Christie is like many of the GOP(e) in that he doesn’t really understand that the Republican Base has moved on. They see Christie, Hogan and others as one of the reasons we have so many problems, and that they aren’t part of the solution.

President Trump, and to some extent Governor Ron DeSantis are seen as the future, one that puts America first, and not some amorphous “Globalism” where the United States interests have to be made secondary to the UN or the EU. Hopefully, the Fat Slob will quickly see that he has no chance and will go back to his richly deserved obscurity. Thatisall

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~The Angry Webmaster~

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