Biden thinks age has brought him wisdom

Good day all. I was perusing the innerwebtubes and ran across this headline. Joe Biden says that age has brought him wisdom and honor.

This was just a short piece, and was quoting something he said in an interview. The story is in the Insider Paper.

US President Joe Biden, who at age 80 is seeking a second term in 2024, said in an interview broadcast Friday that his advanced age has brought him abundant wisdom.

Oh this should be good. We all know what age has brought to this brain dead doofus, but let’s see what the man with the mental acuity of a turnip has to say.

I have acquired a hell of a lot of wisdom and know more than the vast majority of people,” he told a reporter from MSNBC, the first interview he’s given to the press since officially launching his campaign last week.

And here we see the arrogance that is Joe Biden, once again coming to the fore. Has repeatedly claimed that he’s smarter than most people. Of course, he is also a plagiarizer, pathological liar, and has always been easily flustered when he encounters someone who is smarter then he is. (Which encompasses 99 percent of late stage Alzheimer’s patients) His wisdom has been not getting caught selling his office…yet.

I’m more experienced than anybody that’s ever run for the office. And I think I’ve proven myself to be honorable as well as also effective,” said Biden, a Democrat who would be 86 at the end of a second term.

Joe Biden is experienced all right. He’s an experienced fraud, grifter, pervert, liar and all around scumbag. As for effective? At what? Being 100 percent wrong 100 percent of the time?. This is the same moron who thought it would be a great idea to call the Pakistani Government and ask them to arrest Osama bin Laden once we located him, hiding out in Pakistan.

History is not going to be gentle with Joseph Robinette Biden. He has, in a little over two years, done so much damage to the integrity of the United States that far to many people are concerned that we are in the early stages of the Second Civil War. People have always joked about how corrupt the Clintons were and are, but it’s beginning to look like Joe Biden has them both beat, with the possible exception of people who knew things suddenly dying from arkancide.

The one thing Biden is, is a classic psychopath. He meets all of the definitions of one. Even the Clintons weren’t as bad as he is. Biden has been nothing more than a third rate party hack who, deep down, knows he’s not that smart and has substituted intellect with viciousness.

While I was searching for information, I found this little quote in a letter to the editor in the Courier-Herald:

Joe Biden is not only inarticulate he is a liar and a plagiarizer (a thief of other people’s words and ideas) – Joe was caught claiming the work of others while he was in college, again during his 1987 campaign, and in 2008 when he claimed a published Time’s magazine article as his own ideas. If he’s so smart why does he feel the need to steal the words and ideas of others – instead of using his own? He even lied about his college grades and his class standing. Of late, he can’t remember where he is or even the office for which he is running.

The author of the letter, Harold Borland, forgot to add a violator of the Espionage Act with all the classified information he had stashed in his garage and other, unsecured locations, some of it going back to his days in the senate that should NEVER have left the secured locations they were kept in. Biden thinks that the rules and laws do not apply to him. It’s time that he learns that they do.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

Pity we can’t use these products to wash Biden’s lying mouth with.

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One Response to Biden thinks age has brought him wisdom

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    We never had a first civil war. We had a war of secession in which a geographically and culturally distinct region attempted to separate from a nation damaging to their perceived interests.


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