The worst Soros District Attorney in America is now a Soros Ex-District Attorney

Good day all. This news just broke. St. Louis Circuit Attorney, Kim Gardner has thrown in the towel and instead of screwing things up for another month, has formally left the job.

Gardner was one of the first of the Soros Prosecutors, commonly known as a Soros D.A. All the Soros DA’s have one thing in common. They will not do their jobs and put criminals in jail, and they will go after innocent people who defend themselves and police officers trying to uphold the law. They will also use their offices to go after people they do not like.

Gardner was facing removal from office and also potential criminal contempt of court charges when she finally gave up and bravely ran for the hills. Here are the details from Fox News:

An embattled George Soros-bankrolled prosecutor in St. Louis has officially resigned more than two weeks earlier than expected, amid a legal effort by Missouri’s attorney general to fire her for allegedly neglecting her duties.

Kim Gardner, a Democrat long mired in scandal and allegations of misconduct, announced earlier this month that she would resign as St. Louis circuit attorney, the city’s top prosecutor, effective June 1. On Tuesday, however, Gardner changed course and said she would be stepping down immediately.

As expected, the press release from Gardner’s now former office was a load of manure.

“The circuit attorney has worked with St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell and his office to ensure a comprehensive transition plan is in place to handle cases that prioritizes public safety. Effective immediately, Kimberly M. Gardner will end her service as the City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney,” the Circuit Attorney’s Office said in a statement.

She should have resigned years ago. People have been crippled and killed because of her actions, or, inaction when it came to doing her job.

“Ms. Gardner has been committed to serving the people of the city of St. Louis and has done all she can to ensure a smooth transition.

Earlier this month, when Gardner initially announced her resignation, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey called on her to leave office immediately rather than wait until the end of the month, arguing each day “she remains puts the city of St. Louis in more danger.”

On Tuesday, Bailey expressed satisfaction with Gardner leaving office ahead of schedule, saying now the task is to restore law and order and his office will help handle the circuit attorney’s caseload until a new top prosecutor is named.

I have a suspicion that the new prosecutor won’t be one of George Soro’s minions. Hopefully it will be someone who is both a good office administrator and has experience in prosecuting criminals. Thanks to Gardner’s incompetence, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s office is a disaster area and will need to be completely rebuilt.

“The circuit attorney has finally heeded my call to resign after undermining the rule of law for years. Today, we begin the process of restoring public safety to the city of St. Louis,” Bailey said in a statement. “Upon the governor’s authority to appoint the Attorney General’s Office to assist, I am sending Deputy Attorney General, Judge Bill Corrigan, and his team today to immediately receive referrals from police and start the process of clearing the backlog of cases until the governor appoints the newest circuit attorney.”

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson said in a news conference that his office is still working to pick a replacement for Gardner and hopes to tap someone by Friday. In the meantime, Parson has appointed General Counsel Evan Rodriguez as an interim St. Louis circuit attorney.

Good luck Mr. Rodriguez. Hopefully you can start cleaning up the wreckage left behind by that incompetent communist. As for Kim Gardner? I hope they disbar you. I also hope that all the victims of the criminals you refused to prosecute sue you into oblivion. Good bye and good riddance.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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