Kalifornistan plans on wasting another $800 billion on wastrels

Good day all. Kalifornistan’s ruling elite have been, besides running the state into the ground, indulging in some racial virtue signaling. Their latest brilliant idea is to pay reparations to Black Kalifornistanians.

That the “committee” was going to approve this boneheaded idea was a foregone conclusion. The only argument was for how much. We have seen numbers running up to $200 million per person. Well, they have settled on a number and are now looking at sending Kalifornistan a full Trillion Dollars in the hole. Here are the details from the New York Post. (Not to be confused with the Washington ComPost):

California’s reparations task force voted in favor of multiple recommendations Saturday that could cut a minimum of $360,000 in checks to its eligible black residents. The nine-member committee gave final approval at a meeting in Oakland to a hefty list of proposals aimed at rectifying racial inequalities across the state.

All this is, is yet another plan to keep Black Americans on the Progressive Plantation. As expected, the dumber members of the Kalifornistan Congressional Delegation spewed forth.

Reparations are not only morally justifiable, but they have the potential to address long standing racial disparities and inequalities,” Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said during the meeting.

First, Kalifornistan was never a Slave state/Territory. In fact, it was on the Union side during the Civil War. Second, no one is talking about where this money is going to come from. Kalifornistan’s finances are not good, and I think they’re something like $60+ Billion in debt right now, and probably a lot more considering how they play games with their funds.

The panel’s first vote approved a detailed account of historical discrimination against Black Californians in areas such as voting, housing, education, disproportionate policing and incarceration and others.

Regarding incarceration, the issue is that they are criminals who have committed crimes and been convicted of said crimes. These days and going back a couple of generations, all white juries were basically banned. Voting? Again, we’re talking issues that happened, if they happened, before most of these people were born. Housing? Do you mean government housing paid for by taxpayers or people trying to buy their own homes? Again the days of “Keeping out the “Pick the slur of your choice” came to an end decades ago.

The group recommended that the state create a new agency that could provide services to descendants of enslaved people to calculate what the state owes them.

I can calculate that for them free of charge. How does nothing sound to you? A big fat ZERO! Nada. Nothing. There. All set and it didn’t cost you a dime.

Though the task force didn’t specify what compensation would look like, it approved a section of the draft report stating reparations should include “cash or its equivalent.”

It’s equivalent? How about this?

Some economists estimate that the project could cost the state upwards of $800 billion — more than 2.5 times its annual budget.

And this begs the question, where are the Communists and Racists running Kalifornistan going to get the money? Are they going to propose massive tax increases on White, Hispanic/Latin and Asian residents? Perhaps raising taxes or imposing a new “Anti-racist” fee on business? (Unless they’re black owned of course)

The final figure is yet to be determined — that state would calculate the total per individual based on numerous factors, including whether they or a family member was incarcerated, whether they faced housing discrimination and other prejudicial factors

So, if one of the people is a convicted felon, they get more money? That does sound like what they intend. If so, is it going to be like a points system? Burglary gets you 5 points, armed robbery 20 points, rape 50 points and murder will be 100 points per victims murdered?

To be initially eligible, applicants must be a descendant of enslaved or free Black people who were in the country by the end of the 19th century.

Wait, even if your ancestors weren’t slaves, you still get money? How about Americans who came from Africa say, 20 years ago and became naturalized citizens? Will they be entitled to money? How about the Obama? If they move to Kalifornistan, will they get money too?

There is also no word on how the payments would be funded in the cash-strapped state.

The committee had a very simple answer to that. “Not our problem.”

The document will now be sent to state lawmakers, who will consider reparations legislation.

Now this is where the fun begins. The State is basically broke. There is no more money. The legislature would love nothing better then to virtue signal just how Woke and Politically correct they are by passing this into law, but even they know that there is no money available.

If they decide to raise taxes, particularly on Silicon Valley, then the number of corporations that pull out will climb exponentially. Kalifornistan is already losing people and businesses and an alarming rate, and instead of reviewing what the issues are, the ruling idiots are doubling down on stupid.

It’s going to be fun watching the State legislature and that incompetent idiot they have as governor dig themselves out of this mess. I’m hoping that they do pass this and it finally collapses the state to the point where the federal government has to step in and flat out take over, potentially stripping California of it’s statehood and removing the entire state and most of the city officials from office. I think it’s time to invest in popcorn futures again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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