CNN staffers going ballistic over Trump’s Town hall

Good day all. Last week, CNN hosted a Town hall meeting in New Hampshire for the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. The host of the Town Hall broadcast, Kaitlan Collins failed epically in her attempt’s to “Get Trump!”

Basically, the Town Hall meeting was a “Yuuge” win for President Trump and a complete disaster for the CNN progressives. Now all the moonbats, losers, crybabies and precious snowflakes working at CNN are going off the deep end. Here are the details from the New York Post:

CNN’s head honcho Chris Licht faced a “fury of criticism” from the rank-and-file at the cable network for giving former President Donald Trump a forum to repeat his lies and conspiracy theories during Wednesday’s town hall.

I can’t believe anyone thought this was a good idea,” one staffer toldThe Washington Post.

These idiots are the reason CNN has been cratering in the ratings. The only reason they’ve recently topped Fox News is Fox’s management deciding that committing Seppuku by firing Tucker Carlson and pissing off most of their viewers. The one job that Chris Licht has, is to turn around the disaster that is CNN.

Oliver Darcy, the network’s own media reporter, also revealed the hand-wringing immediately after the 70-minute town hall from St. Anselm College in New Hampshire came to an end.

CNN and new network boss Chris Licht are facing a fury of criticism — both internally and externally over the event,” Darcy wrote in his “Reliable Sources” newsletter.

For the record, I didn’t watch the event, and I couldn’t get up to St Anselm’s to be part of the audience. I understand that it was made up of many people who support President Trump, or are thinking about it after the unmitigated disaster of the most incompetent maladministration in American history under Joe Biden.

On Thursday, Licht tried quell his restive staff at the 9 am editorial meeting, sources told The Post.

You do not have to like the former president’s answers, but you can’t say that we didn’t get them,” Licht said, according to the audio provided to The Post.

Licht also rebuffed suggestions that Collins did not push back hard enough on Trump’s claims of election fraud and other matters.

Kaitlan pressed him again and again and made news,” Licht reportedly told staffers.

Well there is a problem. The job of the News Networks, print, electronic or otherwise, is not to “Make News,” it’s to report news. A true reporter never becomes part of the story. This is where things differ from “Journalists.” A Journalist wants to be part of the story. They see it as their job to interpret the facts for all the “Ignorant little people in flyover country who are to stupid to understand what they are seeing.”

Critics, however, blamed Collins for allowing the former president to repeat his claims about fraud in the 2020 election. Trump also mocked E. Jean Carroll, the columnist who successfully sued him for defaming her after she accused the former president of rape. Trump has denied the allegation.

That case is probably going to be reversed on appeal. From the little I know, and I freely admit, I haven’t followed it, it appears that the judge made a number of reversible errors. Then there is the issue that Carroll couldn’t remember when the alleged incident took place. I can’t see any woman who was raped not remembering when it happened to the second, unless she suffered a head injury. Since the jury did not find President Trump responsible for alleged attack, how can the defamation hold up?

The leftists in the MSM, which is almost all of them, hate President Trump and the people who support him. When I say hate, it’s blinding hatred. They will not consider anything that goes against their narratives and will attack anyone who does.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough ripped the rival network on Thursday.

You can go piece by piece by piece to talk about how breathtakingly dangerous what we saw was last night,” the co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” said.

This virus of lies that’s been loosened on the American people.”

Barking Moonbat

In another story in the New York Post, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, another barking mad Moonbat, said that people should stop watching CNN. Here are those details from the New York Post:

CNN vet Anderson Cooper called the network’s May 10 presidential town hall event with Donald Trump “disturbing,” and told viewers that they “have every right to be angry and never watch this network again.”

Many of you think CNN shouldn’t have given him any platform to speak and I understand the anger about that — giving him the audience, the time, I get that,” Cooper said during the opening monologue of his CNN show “Anderson Cooper 360°.”

Cooper appears to know that the above statement would be grounds for him being the next “Talent” to be shown the door at CNN. He “Walked it back” a bit.

However, “the man you were so disturbed to see and hear from last night — that man is the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president,” Cooper said, defending the network’s decision to give Trump a platform.

According to polling, no other Republican is even close,” Cooper said. According to the Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll, Trump’s the preferred candidate for 62% of right-wing voters — a wide margin above No. 2, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who had 20% support.

Do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?” Cooper continued.

If we all only listen to those we agree with, it may actually do the opposite,” he added of making Trump go away.

The Progressive Liberal Democrat Propaganda Corps, aka the Main Stream Media, spews nothing more than leftist garbage masquerading as news. You see how the progressives in the media, Big Tech and elected officials, (Who should know better), are constantly moving to suppress any dissent. Now now one believes CNN, MSNBC or any of the other news networks. (Newsmax appears to be benefiting from Fox’s suicide)

He also took the opportunity to bash his own network’s decision to put mostly Republican voters in the audience.

Oh this should be fun.

It was certainly disturbing to hear that audience — young and old, our fellow citizens, people who love their kids and go to church — laugh and applaud his lies and his continued defamation of a woman who, according to a jury of his peers, he sexually abused and defamed,” Cooper said.

He was referencing a Manhattan jury’s May 9 decision — just 24 hours before the town hall event — that the former president is liable for sexual abuse and defamation. The decision came in a federal suit filed by E. Jean Carroll, accusing Trump of raping her in a Bergdorf Goodman fitting room decades ago and then defaming her when he publicly denied her allegations.

And this clown calls himself a journalist? The rape accusation was dismissed by the jury. The defamation is more then like going to be tossed as well on appeal. But we can’t have anything go against the “Narrative” now, can we?

Carroll was awarded $5 million for sexual abuse and defamation. The nine-person jury cleared Trump of the rape claim.

How can you have sexual abuse when there is no rape? Is there a difference that no one has told me about? How about the fact that Carroll couldn’t remember when she was attacked? Do you see the problems with this judgment? Next Cooper goes after Trump supporters.

Cooper continued of the town hall’s invited audience: “The audience that upset you? That’s a sampling of about half the country. They are your family members, your neighbors and they are voting, and many said they’re voting for him.”

The longtime CNN host suggested Trump voters may be too sizeable to ignore. “That man you were so upset to hear from last night, he may be president of the United States in less than two years. It can happen again, it is happening again. He hasn’t changed and he is running hard,” Cooper said.

You can just hear the teeth gnashing when he said that. Of course, the commie then started politicking.

He went on to tell viewers that they “have the power to do something about it.”

You can actually get involved. You can make a difference, whatever side of the aisle you’re on,” Cooper said in what appeared to be his cry to get Americans to get out and vote.

I have no problem with people voting. I have a big problem with the Democrats stuffing the ballot boxes and rigging the elections. I also have a problem with people like Anderson Cooper who are quick to censor anyone they disagree with and who publicly “Bite the hand that feeds them,” and telling people they shouldn’t watch CNN.

Even with Cooper’s attempted walk back, Licht should send Anderson on a “vacation” for a few months. The Trump Town Hall meeting was a win for CNN. I suspect their usual ratings would have been significantly lower. Licht is currently on thin ice with the investors, but if he really starts digging in and cleaning out the manure, and not just the larger piles of crap, (Don Lemon), he might succeed in turning things around.



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~The Angry Webmaster~


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