Most believe China Joe Biden took bribes

Good day all. With the whitewashing of the criminal tax and weapons charges against the “First Junkie,” Hunter “Hoovernose” Biden by the corrupt Department of (In)Justice, it’s time to take a look at the Biden Crime Family’s taking bribes for political favors from Joe Biden.

More and more evidence is coming out regarding Joe Biden’s “Pay to Play” schemes as Vice President. With the help of the Garland DoJ, which has been working overtime since at least 2020 to bury the whole thing, Biden isn’t to worried about actual criminal charges. However, the House investigative committees have been digging into the Biden’s and have released quite a bit of information. Now a majority of the voters think Joe Biden took bribes. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

Over half of American voters believe that the Biden family has accepted payments from foreign nationals in order to influence politics in Washington D.C., according to a new poll from the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group.

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is currently the subject of a House Oversight Committee investigation which is looking into his conduct and business transactions while overseas during his time on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out with the sweetheart plea deal Hoovernose just accepted. Still, he only pled out to the tax and weapons charges, not the money laundering, conspiracy and bribery charges.

According to a new poll released Wednesday, 53.3% of respondents believed that the Biden family had accepted bribes from foreign officials, while 34% indicated that they believed in the family’s innocence.

The 34% of the respondents who think Biden is innocent are those who work for the Biden maladministration or are people who are to stupid to think for themselves. (Progressives, Liberals and other mental defectives)

As a result of the ongoing Congressional investigation into Hunter Biden, do you believe the Biden family received payments from foreign nationals to influence policy in Washington, D.C.,” the poll asked.

I’ll take YES for $100 Wink.

While a majority of voters expressed concerns about the Bidens’ behavior, the majority of Democratic voters said that they did not believe that the president and his family “received payments,” according to the poll. Only 11.2% of the party said that they did believe the White House family accepted payments and 23.5% indicated that they were not sure.

Let’s see, The 11.2% of Democrats who think Biden took a bribe are probably the ones who voted for him and then lost their jobs when he issued one of his Executive Orders shutting down something tied to the oil and gas sector. The 23.5% may be to busy watching reality TV to have any idea what is actually going on, but they might have heard something when flipping channels between Survivor: Cannibal Island and Real Housewives of Des Moines.

Republican voters overwhelmingly responded that they believed the Bidens accepted influence payments at 89.8%, with only 4.8% expressing their support for the president and his family, while the remaining 5.5% of GOP respondents were unsure, according to the poll.

The 89.8% are people who have been paying attention and not watching the MSM, but have been reviewing all the information they can find. The 4.8% who support Biden are supporters of the Lincoln Project and will vote for Biden over Trump no matter the damage to the country. The remaining 5.5% are to busy working three jobs to put food on the table thanks to Bidenflation and Bidenomics to follow the news.

A large portion of Independent voters also indicated they believed that the Bidens had accepted payments in exchange for political favors, with 50% responding yes and 28.9% saying no.

This is the group that matters. The 28.9% saying no are actually Democrats pretending to be independents.

House Republicans have been pressuring FBI Director Chris Wray to release a series of documents that an FBI whistleblower claims show the president’s involvement in a “pay to play” scheme during his time as vice president. The Oversight Committee also published a report on May 10 that revealed the Biden family had received $10 million from multiple Romanian and Chinese sources over the years.

The Garland DoJ and Wray FBI are actively covering up the activities of the Biden Crime Family. They are terrified that if the House proves that the Bidens are as crooked as the day is long, they will have to actually do their jobs and arrest the whole bunch. (Joe Biden would need to be impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate first, then he could be arrested)

While Biden uses his weaponized DOJ to target Trump with an unprecedented prosecution, his family used the office of the Vice President and President to sell access to foreign leaders,” Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States, said in a press release. “The congressional investigation is not even complete and this poll shows the majority of the Americans have already seen enough documented proof to believe a disgraceful and illegal scam was/is being run by President Biden’s family. This is an affront to our country and the DOJ and FBI are continuing to subvert justice and cover for the Biden crime syndicate.”

The question will be how this plays out in the 2024 election. While Biden has had his prime competitor arrested, President Trump is becoming even more popular then ever. A majority of the voters are also saying that the entire case(s) brought against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, are politically motivated. (BTW, the last bit of information I heard, was that the so called Classified documents taken from Mar-a-Lago don’t even fill a standard box)

Dementia Joe Biden is being combative and denying everything of course. However, we know his mental condition is on par with a bowl of congealed oatmeal and he may not remember that he took bribes from Burisma and China. (I think he finds notes on this and remembers things, which would explain his response to the Chinese Spy balloons) I suspect that the House committees are going to find the “Smoking gun” and the evidence will be so damning that even the Democrats will have to consider the “Worst Case Scenario.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Most believe China Joe Biden took bribes

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    I’m still shocked that our Country has become so corrupt.


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