Joe Biden finally acknowledges the existence of his granddaughter Navy Joan

Good day all. I’ve written about the Bidens refusing to acknowledge the existence of Hoovernose’s “Lust Child” Navy Joan Roberts. I’m not the only one, and the optics for the Biden Crime Family on this matter have been bloody awful.

It looks like someone has finally gotten through to the Bidens and now Dementia Joe has, sort of, acknowledged Navy Joan as his granddaughter. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

President Joe Biden hasn’t met his grandchild, Navy, but he’s finally aknowledged her. In an exclusive statement to People Magazine, Biden said “This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

Why do I have a feeling that this senile dirt bag was reading off a cue card again? Probably because of this.

Not only has Biden refused to state that he has seven grandchildren, leaving out little 4-year-old Navy, but he’s reportedly instructed staff to also only refer to six grandchildren. He has repeatedly left out the girl, born to Hunter Biden and a woman with whom he had a productive dalliance, Lunden.

I guess the next question is, will Navy be going to either Washington or Delaware to meet the grandparents? Personally, I think Navy’s mother needs to keep her daughter as far away as possible from that hair sniffing pervert.

The Biden family and administration’s collective refusal to admit that the child exists has infuriated many conservatives, who point to the complete cowardice and absolute lack of humanity it is to not only deny a child a place in your family, but a name.

What did you expect from a family of psychopaths and sociopaths? Besides, navy is not much use to them now that the “Family business” has been outed and the need for names on shell companies has ended.

“Thousands of families have faced similar circumstances,” that source said, “working it out in private, versus the spotlight. At the center is a 4-year-old girl and everyone wants what is best for her, including all her grandparents.”

What a steaming pile of horse manure that is. First, assuming that Senile Joe even remembers that he has a 7th grand child, that he actually cares one whit about her is laughable. They only reason he might want to see her is to sniff her hair, have her run her hands on the hair on his legs and shower with her.

Hopefully the child support will be enough to take care of Navy’s needs, medical if any, education and everything else. I’m of the opinion that the best thing her mother can do is to keep the Biden Crime Syndicate as far away from her daughter as possible. That Navy will be using her mother’s last name instead of Biden may be a blessing, considering what’s probably coming down the pike.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Joe Biden finally acknowledges the existence of his granddaughter Navy Joan

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Navy was better staying far, far away from pedojo! I bet he drools thinking about shower time.


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