Mitch McConnell being encouraged to step down after his brain freeze

Good day all. Recently, Senate Minority Leader Cocaine Mitch McConnell suffered what people are calling a brain freeze. Basically, his brain locked up and he had to leave a press conference for a few minutes.

Because of this and for other reasons, people are starting to suggest that McConnell step down as minority leader. McConnell, being the power mad Deep State Uniparty beltway swamp rat that he is, is refusing. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says he will not step down from his role as Republican leader during this Congress. McConnell, 81, had a health scare on Wednesday when he abruptly stopped his remarks at a press conference and froze up, leaving the press conference for a time before returning later and answering questions. McConnell’s office referred the Washington Examiner to statements in previous news reports.

Cocaine Mitch is actually older than mush for brains Biden. However, his health has been considered to be better than Bidens. (At least he isn’t wandering around a stage, trying to find his way off, and, as far as we know, he isn’t taking a dump in his pants in public) However, locking up like that is not a good sign.

“Leader McConnell appreciates the continued support of his colleagues, and plans to serve his full term in the job they overwhelmingly elected him to do,” his office said.

The only reason that slimeball is still in his leadership position was his throwing several winnable senate races in 2022. The Republican base has grown to despise him in the last few years.

The incident on Wednesday happened during a press conference where McConnell froze, looking straight ahead with a blank stare for 18 seconds. Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) then asked McConnell if he was OK before McConnell was escorted away by himself and an aide. An aide said that McConnell “felt lightheaded and stepped away for a moment,” and continued by saying that, “He came back to handle Q&A, which, as everyone observed, was sharp.”

I am not a doctor, obviously, but that does not sound normal, unless your name is either Joe Biden or John Fetterman. Whatever happened appears to have cleared up. I do think that McConnell should have seen a doctor and gotten a CAT scan.

McConnell has insisted that he is “fine” after the brief freeze on Wednesday, but his recent health scare comes months after he was hospitalized with a concussion and had to be away from the Senate for an extended period of time. He has since returned and had done his duties as Republican leader as normal until the brief episode earlier this week.

BINGO! I had forgotten about that. If you needed a probable cause, that would be it. Concussions are tricky things, especially among older people. There may be something that the doctors missed.

The Kentucky Republican faced his first-ever challenge in a leadership vote last November when Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) vied for the GOP leadership position. McConnell won in a 37-10 vote, but it had been the first time he had not won by acclamation.

I remember that fight. I was one of those hoping McConnell would lose since he was the reason he was running for minority leader instead of majority leader.

With the recent challenge to his leadership and questions surrounding his health, McConnell’s future as Republican leader after 2024 looks uncertain.

I’ve seen reports that Kentucky is starting to prepare for McConnell to either retire or flat out drop dead. Currently, Kentucky has a Democrat Governor, however Kentucky is a state that doesn’t allow it’s governor to choose a replacement senator. According to the Courier Journal:

Here is a look at the specifics of Kentucky’s vacancy law and the process that would be followed under it, as well as legal uncertainties it may face if a governor ever defies it or challenges it in court.

Whereas state law previously allowed the sitting governor to make his or her own appointment to fill a Senate vacancy with no restrictions, Senate Bill 228 passed by the Kentucky legislature in the 2021 session changed that.

Under the amended law, the governor now may only choose from three names recommended by the executive committee of the outgoing senator’s state party, and must make that selection within 21 days of receiving the list from the party. With both of Kentucky’s senators currently being Republican, the choosing of those three nominees would be up to the executive committee of the Republican Party of Kentucky, which is made up of 54 members.

So, basically, the Republican Party will hand the governor three names and he has to pick one. There are questions on what happens if the Democrat Govno ignores the law, (Which, since he is a Democrat Govno, he probably will do), and puts a Democrat into office. In any case, McConnell is like a bloated tick on the body politic and isn’t planning on stepping down.

Govno Beshear is up for reelection this year.  I have a suspicion that he isn’t going to be governor next year. If this is the case, there is a chance that Cocaine Mitch McConnell might decide to call it a day instead on hanging on until 2026. (Odds are he will not be in the leadership in 2025, especially of President Trump wins) We shall see what happens.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Mitch McConnell being encouraged to step down after his brain freeze

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    Sounds like microstrokes.


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