Sound of Freedom continues to grow. Other movies flop

Good day all, I’ve written about the movie “The Sound of Freedom” and how much the Left hates it. The movie is about a federal agent who quit his job to rescue children who were being sold as sex slaves. The movie had been sitting on a shelf for 5 years before Disney sold it to another company.

The Sound of Freedom opened on the July 4th weekend opposite Indian Jones and the Dial of Despair Destiny. The Sound of Freedom, showing on a smaller number of screens, Crushed Indiana Jones 5. Sales of tickets has continued and the film, which cost around $15 million dollars to make, is closing in on $150 million dollars, making it a bona fide blockbuster. (Indy 5 is a complete failure and will cost Disney hundreds of millions of dollars in losses) Now the number of screens the movie is being show on is increasing. Here are the details from Newsmax:

“Sound of Freedom” continues to surprise, appearing on more than 4,000 screens as the number of theaters showing the hit film continues to climb for the fourth consecutive weekend.

Despite its difficult subject matter, the independent film from Angel Studios dominated the summer box office, as total domestic box office revenues surged past $130 million and the movie played in 3,411 theaters entering its fourth weekend.

“Everyone in the industry knows that films are generally supposed to lose screens week over week, not add them,” Brandon Purdie, Angel Studios’ head of theatrical distribution, said in a news release. “And yet, the incredible word of mouth driving ‘Sound of Freedom’ continues to spread.

There has been, as far as I can tell, no advertising for the Sound of Freedom whatsoever. Indiana Jones and the Desk Drawer full of Depends is basically dead and is going to come out of the theaters shortly. Even Mission Impossible 7 isn’t doing as well as expected, however they will probably pick things up in the overseas market and when it comes to DVD’s and the streaming market. (Dial of Destiny is slated to be buried on Disney+ where no one will see it)

“In response, we are continuing to expand our offering in theaters this weekend. Our theatrical partners have stepped up in a huge way to allow for more people to see the film.”

The movie has added 777 theaters to its run since opening on the Fourth of July.

There have been a lot of conspiracy theories regarding the showing of this film and theaters, primarily AMC, playing games with the air conditioning and other things to force out moviegoers as well as refunding their money, Considering how poorly the “Real” blockbusters have been doing this year, I don’t see this happening. Currently, you have Oppenheimer and Misandrist Barbie that are doing well.

From what I’ve been hearing, people who have gone to see Misandrist Barbie discovered that the advertising was not entirely accurate. (Parents who have seen this are, apparently, telling others not to take their children to see this movie)

I have yet to see this movie, mostly due to the high costs of going to a film these days. While I expect that Indiana Jones and the Disaster of Dumbness will be streaming on Disney+ soon followed shortly thereafter by Mission Impossible, (Which I will probably watch then), I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before the Sound of Freedom closes out it’s theatrical run. I will watch it when it starts streaming as will many others. (This film might break $300+ million dollars eventually)


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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2 Responses to Sound of Freedom continues to grow. Other movies flop

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Sad day when our government chooses to ignore the children – all for a crooked POS that calls himself president. Makes me wonder just how involved the democrats are with the trafficking? Something very vile and wrong going on!


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