Senator is now demanding an investigation into the First Junkie’s lawyers

Good day all. When the Sweetheart deal for the First Junkie, Hunter “Hoovernose” Biden collapsed it came out that his defense team had done something that at best was unethical and at worst, was criminal. One of the lawyers impersonated a lawyer working for a United States Senator in order to steal a legal filing.

The senator’s real lawyer found out about it and was able to refile the legal document. This mess has led the judge in the case to contact her directly and not to go through the clerk. Now a senator is demanding a probe into this apparent lawbreaking. Here are the details from Fox News:

A GOP senator is calling for a disciplinary inquiry into Hunter Biden’s legal team after a judge accused one lawyer of lying about her identity to court officials.

“I’ve heard from countless Americans who are concerned our justice system is being weaponized against President Biden’s political opponents while his son gets preferential treatment,” Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., told Fox News Digital in a statement.

“There needs to be accountability for any misconduct or favoritism, including Hunter Biden’s own legal team. Faith in our justice system has been gravely damaged by the Biden administration’s mishandling of recent cases and restoring its integrity is essential.”

I disagree. Faith in the justice system hasn’t been damaged by the Garland/Biden DoJ, it’s been completely destroyed. It’s going to take what will amount to a full on purge of the Justice Department along with the removal of a number of judges. The purge can happen under the next President, (Probably Trump), but removing judges who won’t leave on their own will require action by congress. As for the lawyer(s) on the First Junkie’s defense team? Disbarment would be a good place to start.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika released an order this week threatening sanctions against Hunter Biden’s lawyers after accusing Latham & Watkins lawyer Jessica Bengels of having “misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the Clerk’s Office” to remove a key document from the ongoing criminal tax case involving President Biden’s son.

Bengels called the clerk’s office “pretending” to be associated with lawyers linked to the House Republican Ways & Means Committee, which has also been investigating Hunter Biden, the order said. Hunter Biden’s legal team said it was “an unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication between a staff member at our firm and employees of the Court.”

There is no way this was an “Unintentional miscommunication.” This was a flat out lie designed to get those documents out of the court before they could be put into the record, or the judge has read them.

Ricketts called on courts in both New York and Washington, D.C., where Hunter Biden’s lawyers are licensed to practice, to launch an ethics investigation into Bengels and lead lawyer Christopher Clark.

“I write to you regarding the apparent unethical conduct of members of the New York State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar. As you know, the cornerstone of the legal profession is ethics. All legal professionals, lawyers and non-lawyers alike, are expected to maintain strict standards for the protection of colleagues, clients, and the court,” Ricketts wrote in a letter sent Friday.

“I am asking both the New York Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Department and the District of Columbia’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel to take swift action to examine the actions of attorneys Christopher Clark and Jessica L. Bengels.”

Good luck with that. The various State Bar’s are now hard left cesspools and it will take a lot to get them to go after “Good Progressive attorneys.” About the only way they will is if a lawyer tries to firebomb police officers. Now if they happen to be Republicans or somewhat conservative, especially if they believe in the Rule of Law and the Constitution or support President Trump, then the State Bar’s won’t have any trouble disbarring them.

“While the exact details of this matter are uncertain, it appears an ethical line was crossed,” Ricketts said of the misrepresentation accusations. “Regardless of whether or not it was Ms. Bengels or another staff member at Latham & Watkins who called the clerk, the circumstances surrounding the incident demand an investigation.

“Furthermore, it was the responsibility of Biden’s lead lawyer, Christopher Clark, to ensure his team conducted themselves in a manner consistent with the Rules of Professional Conduct. It is the responsibility of courts, legislatures, and state bars to ensure that members of the profession adhere to the Rules of Professional Conduct.”

When they are actually conspiring together, then there is no actual oversight. (I should say allegedly conspiring of course)

“Therefore, I ask both the New York Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Department and the District of Columbia’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel to open investigations into the conduct of both Christopher Clark and Jessica Bengels.”

And here is where this request will be filed.

Perhaps Judge Noreika can do something to force the issue. I would also recommend that these lawyers be brought before a congressional hearing. As long as you don’t ask for anything that would violate Attorney/Client privilege, and you wait until the trial is concluded and Hoovernose is in an orange jumpsuit, I don’t see any issues here. Frankly, impersonating a member of a senator’s staff for unlawful purposes should be handled by the DoJ.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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