Javert Smith admits he lied to the court

Good day all. Special Inquisitor Jack “Javert” Smith has a long history of questionable ethics and of abusing his authority as a prosecutor. These were a couple of the reasons Meritless Garland selected him to go after the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Recently, Javert Smith’s team of malignant trolls accused President Trump and the man managing Mar-a-Lago of destroying surveillance videos. This was proven to be a lie, hence Javert’s admission of wrong doing. Here are the details from NTD:

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump’s legal team as required by law while falsely claiming it had.

That would be what is called a “Brady Violation.” I first heard about these when I was watching the Amazon series Bosch and Madeline Bosh, played by Madison Lintz, discovered one while interning at a law office on the show. It’s these sorts of things that Prosecutors do hoping they don’t get caught so they can railroad innocent people into prison.

Mr. Smith’s team said in a July 31 court filing (pdf) in its classified documents case against the former president that it had incorrectly claimed during a July 18 court hearing that it had provided all Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage to Mr. Trump’s defense attorneys, as required by law.

On July 27, as part of the preparation for the superseding indictment coming later that day and the discovery production for Defendant De Oliveira, the Government learned that this footage had not been processed and uploaded to the platform established for the defense to view the subpoenaed footage,” Mr. Smith’s team wrote in the latest filing.

The Government’s representation at the July 18 hearing that all surveillance footage the Government had obtained pre-indictment had been produced was therefore incorrect,” it added.

As I understand this, when Javert Smith made this accusation, the Trump legal team produced receipts showing that the videos had been delivered and that Javert Smith was once again lying through his teeth.

Mr. Smith’s team’s admission carries a hint of irony as it accused Mr. Trump in a new “superseding indictment” (pdf) filed on July 27 of conspiring with his staff to delete some security footage so that the grand jury in the case would not see all the evidence.

In the superseding indictment, the special counsel charged Mr. Trump with willful retention of national defense information and two charges in connection to claims that he allegedly told a Mar-a-Lago worker to delete security tapes to prevent a grand jury from seeing them.

Which was a flat out lie. That Javert Smith made these false accusations and then lied about the videos is no surprise to anyone who’s looked into his past. He is one of those prosecutors who will go to any lengths to win a case, and will use his office for political reasons. He did the very same thing to former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell. He made up crimes and railroaded Governor McDonnell.

Eventually, his case made it to the Supreme Court where they ruled 8-0, (That would be a unanimous decision), that Javert Smith’s rather expansive views of what constituted a bribe were flat out wrong. Still, this is the man that the most corrupt Attorney General in the History of the United States put in place to “Get Trump!”

Today, I signed an order appointing Jack Smith to serve as special counsel,” Garland announced during his Friday press conference. “The order authorizes him to continue the ongoing investigations into” the Capitol riot and the Mar-a-Lago saga, the attorney general said, “and to prosecute any federal crimes that may arise from those investigations.”

Garland added: “Mr. Smith is the right choice to complete these matters in an even-handed and urgent manner.” (From the Washington Examiner)

Javert Smith has a history of going after big name politicians who might or might not be criminals, (Who am I kidding? Most politicians are criminals), who either are direct threats to the Democrat Party, or who won’t get on board with the “Accepted” party narratives. President Trump is the biggest threat to The Democrat Party, heck the entire Deep State Uniparty, in decades.

Smith is also so dense and hidebound that he isn’t seeing the rising levels of anger out in Flyover Country. The Republican Base, and now a fair number of Independents new view the Federal Government in general and the Department of Justice in particular as direct threats to the Constitution and American freedom. It won’t take much to set things off. (A certain magistrate threatening to jail President Trump would do it in my opinion) Now the Supreme Court is being asked to put a stop to this miscarriage of justice. This is one time that Roberts needs to put on his big boy pants and do his job and put an end to Javert Smith.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Javert Smith admits he lied to the court

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    I don’t think Roberts will do anything!


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