AOC notices that inflation is a problem, blames it on corporations

Good day all. If it’s a day ending in a “Y” then Representative Alexandria Occasio-Cortez has said something blindingly stupid again. It seems that AOC has finally noticed that inflation is affecting people who stupidly voted for her. Being a highly educated Boston University Graduate and experienced mixologist, (That would be a bartender), she has determined the causes for escalating prices.

The stupid bimbo has announced that the cause is corporate propaganda designed to hide greedy shareholders. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., shared a video on social media that argued inflation was largely a “propaganda” term by “corporations” looking to avoid fault for high prices.

The progressive “Squad” member posted a video to her Instagram Story by the Aotearoa Liberation League, a left-wing group based in New Zealand that lists among its values acknowledgment of “the historic and ongoing harms of colonialism” and a mission “to liberate humans from the industry-driven food myths that compel us to harm our bodies, our whenua, and millions of nonhuman animals.”

“The price of everything keeps going up; meanwhile, the corporations selling those things are making massive profits. The goal of the capitalist is to disconnect these two facts from one another. So they use this concept of inflation,” the video explained. 

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex went to Boston University and majored in International Relations and Economics. (A double major I believe) How she past the Economics classes is a mystery, She obviously learned nothing. (I have a suspicion she studied international relations under the desks of her foreign born professors)

The video called inflation an example of “vague-washing,” explaining “it can be blamed on anything at all, except for corporate profits, of course.”

“And propaganda around inflation and cost of living is so powerful, that we forget the very basic fact that corporations set the prices for their products. If a corporation raises its prices, and then makes record profits, that’s not some invisible monster. It’s just a bunch of greedy shareholders,” the person said.

“One advocate called it a form of mass gaslighting, and I think that captures it perfectly,” the individual added.

That is not how inflation works expect in the minds of Socialists and Communists, and they are incapable of learning anything. (Or working at real jobs, or not blaming everyone else for their own failings) The main cause for inflation in the United States was the Biden Maladministration literally printing money with nothing backing it.

Corporations have nothing to do with this and are just as much of a victim of the Government’s stupidity as everyone else. As to the “Massive Profits,” here’s a question for you. Are they gross profits or net profits? There is a difference.

However, similar to the video, Ocasio-Cortez argued that big businesses were fueling inflation last year.

“A lot of these price increases are potentially due to just straight price gouging by corporations,” she told Yahoo News in 2022.

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is one of the dumber members of the House of Representatives. (Maxine Waters is generally considered the dumbest) She has no business being in the House. She only ran to get a pay hike, and she’s still trying to get other people to pay off her student loans.

Sadly, the people who voted for her are even dumber then she is. I suspect she’s planning on becoming another “Lifer” in Congress. Perhaps someone will finally be able to convince the blockheads in her district that she is not helping them. She’s only helping herself. Considering the collective IQ of her constituents, I don’t see that happening.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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