Democrats moving to protect Joe Biden as evidence mounts

Good day all. It looks like we are moving closer to the impeachment of the Worst President* in American history, Joe Biden. More and more information is coming out that appears to show that Joe Biden has been selling his office for years.

You can also add his mishandling of classified documents for decades and his predilection for sniffing the hair of little girls, not to mention his obvious mental decline and you have a large number of people wondering why he is still in office. One reason is the refusal of the democrat Party to police their own. Here are the details from Breitbart:

Absolutely” no grounds exist to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, White House aides and Democrats argued in a recent report.

Despite powerful allegations that Joe Biden involved himself in the family business, such as taking meetings, phone calls, and bribes from Hunter Biden’s business partners, the Democrats claim the allegations are “conspiracy theories” and not grounds for an impeachment inquiry.

The Democrats are experts on conspiracy theories. Creating and pushing them. We saw them pushing conspiracies all through the administration of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. (In fact, they’re still pushing conspiracy theories regarding President Trump) Of course, the problem for the Democrats is that we have people following the bribe money and it’s leading to the mush for brains in the oval office.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) conveyed last week an impeachment inquiry could be launched as soon as late September. If House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, the process would come from a formal vote on the floor of the House, McCarthy told Breitbart News on Friday. An impeachment inquiry, which does not require a full House vote, would allow lawmakers special power to compel relevant information in their Biden family probe.

This amounts to a grand jury investigation. They will continue digging into the Biden laptop and all the shell companies the Bidens have used to launder their bribe money. They can also call witnesses. After all that, they can decide if there is enough to warrant a full impeachment. Unlike the garbage the Democrats did against President Trump, it will be a real investigation and if they recommend impeachment, you can bet the evidence would stand up in a criminal court of law.

The only problem with [Republicans’] impeachment strategy is they have absolutely no grounds for impeaching the president,” a White House adviser told Politico.

Personally, I think Biden should have been removed after the Afghanistan debacle, but that’s just me.

A Democrat close to the Biden campaign told the outlet:

Republicans tried a lot of these hits in 2020 and they failed. But in a bid for Trump’s 2024 campaign and to exact political revenge, these same Republicans are peddling the same debunked conspiracy theories that have been talked about for about five years. They have been investigated over and over. They have failed to uncover any evidence of wrongdoing by the president and Americans see right through it.

So you want to go there? OK. The information on the Biden Crime Family was actively suppressed by the Democrat Propaganda Corps, and the Deep State operatives in the DoJ. You might want to recall the letter signed by 50 traitors “Intelligence experts” claiming the Biden Laptop was Russian disinformation. We know now that it wasn’t and that the FBI knew shortly after they got it that it was all valid. They actively suppressed that information.

All that data on the laptop, at least the parts that don’t belong on Pornhub, are proving out. If the DoJ and FBI had done their jobs when they took control of the laptop, Biden would not have been the nominee and may have been criminally charged. What I see here is another Democrat whistling past the graveyard hoping that he, or she, doesn’t get caught in the fallout if the House does go forward with an impeachment and produces hard evidence of the Biden Crime Family’s unlawful activities.

The powerful allegations against Joe Biden are many. The allegations include, but are not limited to, photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:

Biden family suspicious activity reports of wire transfers

  1. Texts
  2. Emails
  3. WhatsApp messages
  4. Photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners
  5. Joe Biden’s voicemail to Hunter
  6. Five individuals referencing Joe Biden as the “big guy”
  7. Two whistleblower testimonies
  8. FBI FD-1023 form alleging recorded phone calls and texts between Biden and a Burisma executive
  9. FBI informant alleging bribes 
  10. Video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor
  11. Hunter’s statements about giving half his income to his dad
  12. Former White House Aide saying FBI ignored Joe Biden’s role in Ukraine business dealings
  13. Millions flowing into Biden family bank accounts
  14. Hunter paying for Joe Biden’s expenses
  15. Email aliases 

A lot of the above information has been known for the last year, and others, such as Dementia Joe’s use of email aliases and, I think, nongovernmental email systems and the WhatsApp messages. This is what the impeachment inquiry will look into and build on.
(FYI, I ditched WhatsApp years ago after Faceplant bought it and blew huge holes in the app’s security. Now it’s Signal and I’m looking at Threema)

If they determine Biden is a crook and needs to go, they will put everything together in a nice, neat package that the average person would understand. (The kind you see on a jury) If the House proceeds with a full impeachment, and puts out hard evidence, the Democrats will be hard pressed to continue covering for Joe Biden.

Of course, the Democrats aren’t all that smart and will protect Joe Biden no matter what. Here’s the problem for them. If the Republicans provide enough evidence that would get anyone else convicted and sent to prison, and the Democrats ignore it, they will be handing the Republican Party hours of campaign commercials. It will cost a large number of Democrats their seats. (Provided someone locks Brain Freeze McConnell in a closet somewhere)

If they do vote to impeach and remove Biden, it’s still going to hit the Democrats. The Republicans will have proven just how crooked the Democrats are and how little they care about the Rule of Law. They might have had a “Come to Jesus” moment, (Primarily to protect their own corrupt asses), but it will be shown they knew how bad Biden was. The worst case scenario? It leads back to Obama and what he knew. This is going to be a fun cage fight.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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