Will New Mexico cowboy up and impeach Govno Michelle Cujo Grisham?

Good day all. The fallout of New Mexico Govno Michelle Cujo Lujan Grisham’s dictatorial suppression of the 2nd Amendment is continuing to reverberate around the State and the country. The courts have already slapped her down hard. The question is, will the State Legislature step up and boot her out of office?

This all began when Govno Cujo Grisham decided to ban the carrying of firearms in Albuquerque and the surrounding county. She tried declaring a “Health Emergency” and essentially tor up both the state constitution as well as the United States constitution. It went over about as well as you would expect. It was both ignored by the people, challenged in court, state law enforcement officials up to the Attorney general refused to enforce it, and even the most militant gun grabbers, such as David Hogg said “Yeah, no.”

Almost immediately, there were calls for Cujo Grisham to be impeached. Considering her actions and her responses to them, this should be a slam dunk. However, there are two problems. First, she is a Democrat. Second. The New Mexico state legislature is controlled by the Democrats. As we all know. Democrats will always protect one of their own with extremely rare occurrences. (See bob Menendez and Al Franken) Well, a pair of Republicans have decided to hold the legislatures feet to the fire and are circulating a petition to impeach Govno Michelle Lujan Grisham. Here are the details from KOB 4:

The backlash continues over Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s controversial public health order. State Republican Reps. John Block and Stefani Lord say they’ve officially started the process of working to impeach the governor. The lawmakers launched an official petition to fellow legislators and their constituents Tuesday, demanding that Lujan Grisham resign or be impeached.

I looked up the laws on recalling governors, and that doesn’t appear to be something available to the citizens of New Mexico. (I may have and probably did miss something) That leave impeachment. KOB 4 did reach out to the Govno’s office ans her minister of propaganda spokesperson responded with the expected load of drivel.

It is unsurprising but disappointing that Republicans in the state are choosing to use this time to orchestrate a political stunt instead of coming up with solutions to protect all New Mexicans. With less than 120 days until the start of the session, now is the time to focus on drafting comprehensive legislation to stem the epidemic of gun violence in the state.”

New Mexico needs real solutions to take on the public safety issues impacting our communities. Calling for an impeachment over a policy dispute isn’t a real solution. It’s more of the same short-sighted, self-serving, blame-game that has come to characterize the New Mexico Republican Party. The Governor and Democrats in the legislature have been working on commonsense gun safety reforms to make our neighborhoods and schools safer for years. If Representatives Lord and Block don’t like it, they should offer their gun safety policy ideas. Anything less is disrespectful to the people of this state.”

One of the questions asked during this tyrannical fiasco was how Govno Cujo Grisham’s order was going to help stop criminals. The answer given was basically that it wouldn’t do anything since criminals wouldn’t obey the order. What it wold have done was cleared the decks for action in favor of criminals by rendering people defenseless. Of course, that’s was always the intent.

On Block’s website, there’s also a message for people to copy and paste. It calls on lawmakers to call an extraordinary session to impeach the governor – that would require approval by two-thirds of the Legislature.

I haven’t looked up the impeachment process for New Mexico, however I suspect that’s pretty close to the number of legislators who would be needed to impeach and remove the tyrant from office.

Lord said if an extraordinary session is called, crime would also be on the agenda.

Well that’s good to hear. However, there is a very good way to deal with criminals. Lock them up and throw away the key. Where applicable and after all due process, hang the worst offenders. You can also make it extremely dangerous for criminals to conduct their “business.” Simply tell people that if someone tries to rob them, steal their property, etc, with established limits of course, they can shoot the outlaws.

A New Mexico governor has never been impeached before. However, nothing can happen unless the Legislature calls an extraordinary session, or the governor calls a special session – which she has already said she will not do.

Of course she won’t. Why would Cujo Grisham actually help the legislature and the people of New Mexico remove her fat tyrannical ass from office? I’m not sure on how this works in New Mexico, but it appears that the legislature concluded it’s “Business” last spring and won’t be back in session until January. (Again, I may be misreading this)

I fully expect this evil dictator to try some other way to cancel the Constitution of the state of New Mexico and the United States of America. There are conspiracy theories out there that this was a “Test Run” for the Democrats to do something similar on the federal level.

Hopefully, the state legislature will come back and put Govno Michelle Lujan Grisham on trial and vote to remove her from office. Frankly, I think the various legislators will use the fact that they aren’t in session as an excuse to not actually do their jobs. That’s something the residents and voters of New Mexico will need to deal with. Oh, I came up with the nickname “Cujo” by accident. It was a typo and I thought, “Why the Hell not?”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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