Kevin McCarthy out as Speaker of the House

Good day all. Well, so much for Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. He has been removed as Speaker of the House.

I just saw this story a few minutes before I began working on this post. I was on Twitter looking for some relevant hashtags for another post I was just finishing up. I saw a tweet by the vivacious Representative Lauren Boebert stating she would vote to retain Charlie Keven McCarthy as Speaker. I was busy most of today and fell behind on the news, so I hopped over to Fox News and there it was, in big red letters. McCarthy was out. Here are the details from Fox News:

Lawmakers have voted to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., from his leadership role, the first time in the history of the House of Representatives that the chamber voted to boot a member from the top job.

Eight Republicans voted with every present Democrat to vacate the speaker’s chair. The final vote was 216 to 210 in favor of McCarthy’s ouster.

Now that is interesting, but not at all surprising. The Democrats probably see it to their benefit to screw over the Republicans, but I wonder if they’ve figured out who might be replacing McCarthy?

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., introduced a measure against McCarthy known as a motion to vacate on Monday night, accusing him of breaking promises he made to win the speaker’s gavel in January.

I’m not at all surprised. McCarthy is a Kalifornistan RINO and part of the Uniparty. He is part of the reason that the Republicans didn’t do as well as they should have in 2022. When he was running for Speaker, it took something like 15+ votes before he got enough to win. The only reason he did win was making certain promises, which he promptly broke.

Tensions flared during an hour of debate before the actual motion to vacate, after 11 Republicans voted with every Democrat to advance the measure. McCarthy’s allies had taken up all of the microphones on the GOP side of the chamber, forcing Gaetz to make his case from the side where Democrats traditionally sit.

There are going to be some very interesting primary challenges next year on the Republican side. That they thought it was a good idea to deny one of the members of the Republican Caucus the ability to state his case, along with earlier threats to expel Gaetz from the House could be used by challengers and probably to good effect. I think the RNC is going to want to just hide in a closet next year.

Democrats signaled early on Tuesday that they would not be inclined to help McCarthy. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said before the vote that Democrats “are ready to find bipartisan common ground. Our extreme colleagues have shown no willingness to do the same. They must find a way to end the House Republican civil war.”

The Democrats are looking for some way to put Jeffries in as Speaker. He will then move to kill all the investigations into the Bidens as well as cover up all the potentially criminal actions by the J6 committee.

McCarthy angered hardliners over the weekend when he passed a short-term spending bill known as a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open for 45 days in order to avert a government shutdown and give lawmakers more time to cobble together 12 individual spending bills.

McCarthy and many of the other RINO’s just aren’t getting it. The United States is broke, and the American People have pretty much had it with these last minute deals. Why? Because they end up screwing over the taxpayers and small businesses every single time.

Well, now the next stage of the game begins. Who will step up to be the Speaker of the House? I don’t see it being Matt Gaetz. I’m not sure he actually wants the job, and there is no way the Republicans will vote for him in any case. I suspect it’s going to be a very interesting weekend. Now if I may put forward a nominee?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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