The Deep State is terrified that if he wins, President Trump will go after them

Good day all. It seems that each and every day we see something that shows just how terrified of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, the Deep State swamp dwellers are of him.

There will always be the suspicion that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from President Trump. The attempts to imprison President Trump on flat out bogus charges show that the Deep State will stop at nothing to prevent President Trump from regaining office. Now we have someone admitting to that reason. Here are the details from the Hill:

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Monday that he thinks concerns about former President Trump seeking retaliation on officials — such as outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley — are “legitimate.”

Look, I think it’s a legitimate fear,” Esper told CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins. “If you recall from my memoir … I cite a circumstance where [Trump], egged on by his close advisers, wanted to call back to active duty Adm. McRaven and Gen. McChrystal, to court-martial them, for some things that they allegedly said in in the public domain, and Milley and I had to talk the president out of doing that, for any number of reasons.”

I don’t recall those circumstances. If someone has some information, please feel free to put it in the comments. What I do know is that a retired officer can be charged under, I believe, Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (I have not served and am going by memory from a retired officer who, while he would love to royally blast Biden, won’t citing this, or possibly another article in the UCMJ) That is probably what they were talking about when someone said that McRaven and McChrystal could face a court martial.

The president has also said that a second term would be about retribution, right? So, I think these are all legitimate concerns,” he later added.

Well, yes, it is a concern, especially if you, oh I don’t know, broke the laws, and disobeyed lawful orders and stuff? Just look at how corrupt the DoJ and the FBI are. The DoJ needs a thorough housecleaning and the FBI just needs to be disbanded and everyone fired.

Trump made comments last week accusing Milley of a “treasonous act” in which he “was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States.” The former president’s remarks seem to reference calls made by Milley to China for reassurance at the end of Trump’s term.

Well, yes. That could be considered potentially treason. It’s definitely mutiny and espionage. There are also the violations of civilian control of the military and any number of other things. Then we can get into the debacle of the Biden Bugout from Afghanistan and Milley’s part in it. Who knows? There might actually be enough there to hang him.

Milley’s relationship with the former president is especially notable when it comes to one of the multiple indictments Trump faces. The former president was captured on audio attempting to push back against reporting by The New Yorker about Milley’s attempts to prevent Trump from attacking Iran as his days in the White House waned. 

Trump said he had a document about a “plan of attack” on Iran that revealed it was Milley’s idea. He also claimed the document was secret and not declassified.

Milley has denied Trump’s claims, saying he “doesn’t know the document they’re talking about.”

Well now, that is interesting. Didn’t I read something about that walking diaper stain, Jack Smith using that to get President Trump? If Milley is denying everything and President Trump names Milley as the Author of the plan, does that mean there was no such plan?

Now you need to remember a few things regarding President Trump and Iran. Iran was flipping missiles at some of our Middle East bases. They didn’t do any real damage. President Trump agreed to an Air Strike on Iran, but then started asking questions that hadn’t come up. He canceled the strike and ordered the planes turned around.

President Trump then went after Iran in a different way that actually hurt them a lot more than blowing up a small base and killing troops who probably didn’t even know what was going on and had nothing to do with the missile attacks. One of those things that really hurt Iran? One missile on car set back Iran’s terror campaigns for a good while.

Without question, if/when Donald Trump is elected to a second term, he is going to be far better prepared, and he is not going to forget those who shafted him and actively worked against his policies to Make America Great Again. So, yes. Esper should be frightened for his friends in the Deep State. If they broke the laws of this country, especially if what they did aided our enemies, they should be prosecuted and if convicted, sentenced to the maximum allowed by the law and Constitution.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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