Democrat tries to disrupt Congress by pulling a fire alarm

Good day all, There are thousands of people rotting in jail. Many of these people haven’t even been tried for any crimes. These are the January 6th Protesters. Many of these people were let into the capitol building by the capitol police. A few were brought in due to medical emergencies.

However, since they were Republicans or supporters of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, they have been held without bail for literally years, and in a few cases, beaten and tortured by the jail guards. The basic charges were obstructing an official proceeding. (A few did commit actual crimes such as assaulting police and should be tried for that)

There have been many protests that disrupted congress. Almost all of these have been by left wing progressive liberal Democrats. These people are generally given a slap on the wrist, at worst, and sent on their way. Many aren’t even charged, and yet they did the exact same thing. Now we have a member of the House of Representatives who appears to have done the same thing. This fool pulled a fire alarm that triggered a full evacuation of the capitol building. Here are the details from Fox News:

Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s, D-N.Y., chief of staff confirmed that the congressman pulled a fire alarm in a congressional office building Saturday, and said that Bowman “regrets any confusion” over the incident.

The House Administration committee announced that an investigation into the situation, which happened in the Cannon Building, is underway. Sources also told Fox News that Bowman was questioned by the Capitol Police on Saturday.

I see I made a mistake. It wasn’t the actual capitol building, but the office building that a large number of congressmen and women have their offices in. I stand corrected. Now, why did this progressive socialist totalitarian pull the alarm? Well, there was a major debate on a stopgap spending bill pending in the House and the Democrats were whining about not being able to read it. This is why Bowman pulled the alarm. Of course, that’s not the reason this moonbat used.

Bowman’s chief of staff, Sarah Iddrissu, offered an explanation. 

“Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” Iddrissu wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “The Congressman regrets any confusion.”

According to Axios, Bowman told reporters that he thought the alarm would open the door.

If he is so stupid that he can’t tell the difference between a fire alarm and an automatic door opener, then he is to stupid to be in Congress. In fact, he makes Both Biden and Fettermen look like actual geniuses.

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) told Fox News that the situation was “absolutely outrageous” and “potentially criminal.”

“That any member of Congress would think it’s appropriate to pull a fire alarm to try and delay Congress from doing its business is shameful,” Lawler said. “It’s unbecoming. And he should strongly consider resigning from Congress if he did that.”

Oh it was criminal. Intentionally pulling a fire alarm when there is no actual emergency is, at the very least, a misdemeanor and potentially a felony. Then you have the disruption to the business of the House of Representatives trying to avoid a government shutdown. (Of course, most people out in flyover country were all in on shutting the government down)

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy called the incident “serious” and said that Bowman should be investigated.

“This should not go without punishment,” McCarthy argued. “This is an embarrassment.”

Actually, it should be treated as a felony. In fact, Bowman obstructed the business of Congress. The FBI needs to send out a 30 man raid team, armed to the teeth, arrest Bowman and dropped into the Washington D.C. jail for three years without trial or a hearing.

“I was just trying to get to my vote,” Bowman explained to reporters. “The door that’s usually open wasn’t open. And you know, I didn’t mean to cause confusion…  I didn’t know I was going to trip the whole building. I thought it would help me open the door.”

Well it did open the door for you. Or was it the large crowd of people who opened the door by pushing the crash bar and walking outside? Of course most of the Democrats are doing their usual “Circle the wagons” routine and saying it was an accident. The MAGA Deplorables are saying that Bowman needs to be arrested and jailed for obstructing Congress.

Sadly, this two timing pile of putrid progressive dog feces will get away with this. Why? He’s one of the “Special People” and with the numbers separating the house from the Republicans and utter and complete collapse of the United States, (That would be the Democrats getting back in control again), being so close, the Democrats will do whatever it takes to protect him. As usual.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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