Deadeye Baldwin back in the judicial crosshairs

Good day all. Back in 2021 on a movie set, noted anti-gun Progressive moonbat, Alec Baldwin, mercilessly shot two people, killing one and wounding the other. He then claimed that “The gun just went off! I didn’t pull the trigger or nuthin.” The problem with that was the type of gun he was using. It can only go off if you pull the trigger and the hammer is cocked.

The details of the incident have been covered here and elsewhere. The gun was a reproduction of the Colt Single Action Army which fires a .45 Long Colt cartridge. How a loaded gun with a live cartridge ended up on the set is another question. What isn’t a question was Deadshot Baldwin’s complete failure to follow any of the 4 basic rules of gun safety. He didn’t check the gun to see if it was loaded. He pointed it at people, and he cocked and fired the gun.

Originally, the manslaughter charges were dropped and Baldwin probably thought he would get away with the brutal murder of an innocent young wife and mother. Now it looks like that the prosecutors in the case are getting ready to refile. Here are the details from Fox News:

Alec Baldwin could face new criminal charges in the fatal 2021 “Rust” movie set shooting, New Mexico prosecutors confirmed to Fox News Digital.

“After extensive investigation over the past several months, additional facts have come to light that we believe show Mr. Baldwin has criminal culpability in the death of Halyna Hutchins and the shooting of Joel Souza,” said special prosecutors Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis in a statement.

Nice enough of you to finally figure that out. If this had been anyone else, they would already have been found guilty and be cooling their heels in a state prison for a few years, or decades.

They added, “We believe the appropriate course of action is to permit a panel of New Mexico citizens to determine from here whether Mr. Baldwin should be held over for criminal trial.”

So you will be bringing this to a grand jury? Hopefully they aren’t a bunch of star struck moonbat loving idiots and do the right thing.

Baldwin’s lawyers, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro of Quinn Emanuel, responded to the claims in a statement provided to Fox News Digital: “It is unfortunate that a terrible tragedy has been turned into this misguided prosecution. We will answer any charges in court.”

Morrissey and Lewis intend to present their case to a grand jury in the next two months.

I am not all that familiar with how a grand jury works. I always thought that a defense attorney didn’t actually go in and present evidence. The Grand Jury was there to determine if there was sufficient evidence to go to a trial. Well, we shall see.

Baldwin was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter in January, more than one year after cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed on the set of the Western film in which Baldwin starred and produced.

And he should have stood trial. For whatever reason, the prosecutors choked and didn’t put the murderous progressive in front of a jury.

The criminal charges were dismissed in April after special prosecutors cited that further investigation and forensic analysis required would not be completed before the start of a preliminary hearing scheduled for May.

That always bothered me and other people who actually understand how guns work. The gun in question should not have been loaded. It was. Baldwin couldn’t be bothered to do basic safety checks and he pointed it at Ms. Hutchins and put a .45 caliber hole right through her heart. There was some discussions on how he set off the gun, whether he cocked it and then pulled the trigger of if he held the trigger back and “Fanned” the hammer. Either way would have caused the gun to fire.

Baldwin’s production company was recently ordered by a judge to turn over documents for prosecutors to investigate whether he attempted to cut corners on safety measures to turn a bigger profit.

The state requested the documents after “Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed’s legal team noted that she believes additional safety training was denied due to financial motives.

Another victim in all this is Hanna Gutierrez-Reed. She was on her first job and frankly, wasn’t up to the task. I heard a rumor that she was nervous when she had to load blanks, something about not know how? (Take that with a trainload of salt please) However, she didn’t insist that all the safety rules be followed and when Baldwin refused to go through the safety training, she should have simply said “No training? No guns for you.” Worst case, she should have walked and taken her stock with her.

Rust Movie Productions argued that the subpoena for documents filed by special prosecutors was an “obvious phishing expedition” in order to refile charges against Baldwin. They claimed the documents they were asked to provide were “privileged and protected materials.”

In other words, there is actually something in there that is probably going to give Alec Baldwin a nice stay in the state prison. I don’t think this is going to work for the legal team, but nice try there.

However, the judge sided with the state and ordered Rust Movie Productions to turn over unredacted documents to special prosecutors by Oct. 20, according to the ruling filed and obtained by Fox News Digital.

And it didn’t. (You know, I really should read through the entire article. Naah, where’s the fun of discovery? Just ask the prosecutors in this case)

Gutierrez-Reed’s lawyer, Jason Bowles, accused Rust Movie Productions of “hiding” information in a statement he shared with Fox News Digital.

“Rust Production needs to stop trying to hide the ball, and to be transparent and forthcoming with relevant information,” he wrote. “It begs the question, why are they trying to hide information?”

What are they hiding? Well, I can’t say for sure since I have no access to the information being sought. However, that information might just show that Ms. Gutierrez-Reed was not as culpable as everyone on the Baldwin team is saying. It could show that there is information that she was not happy with certain aspects of the production, but was hit with the old “You’ll never work in this industry again!” threat if she didn’t do as Baldwin wanted.

Baldwin still faces a handful of civil lawsuits, including one brought by “Rust” script supervisor Mamie Mitchell and another by Hutchins’ mother, father and sister. The plaintiffs are represented by attorney Gloria Allred.

The lawsuit by Mamie Mitchell looks like it’s a “I’ll settle for this amount and go away” type suit rather then one where actual harm was done. In the Hutchins family case, there was actual harm in that DeadBrain Baldwin killed their daughter/sister. I’m hoping the family doesn’t settle and drags Baldwin through the mud as he deserves. I would also suggest they ditch Allred and get a lawyer who isn’t a greedy glory hunting ambulance chaser.

As for Alec Baldwin? You might want to see how you look in orange, because if this case does go to a jury, you’re going away. You are going bye bye. You won’t be seen again for many many moons. Why? Because you are guilty as Hell, that’s why. Anyone else in the same situation and they would already be tried, convicted and getting real friendly like with the lifers in the shower.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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