And now some good news on the 2024 election front

Good day all. With all the news regarding the Hamas slaughter of men, women and children in Israel, a few things have slipped under the radar. One of them was the election for Governor of Louisiana.

The current Govno, John Bel Edwards is term limited and has to step down. Edwards is a Democrat and like almost all Democrat office holders, of questionable honesty and competence. In an election held Saturday, October 14th, a Republican won the jungle primary with more then 50% of the vote, and will now become the next governor. Here are the details from Fox News:

Republicans have won the race to determine the next governor of Louisiana, flipping the state from Democrat control in the first major contest ahead of the 2024 elections.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry was declared the clear winner in Saturday’s jungle primary, reaching the 50% vote threshold needed to avoid a runoff. The Associated Press called the race.

Personally, I loathe jungle primaries. As we’ve seen in Kalifornistan, they are a great way for one party to fix it so that no other political party has any chance of winning the general election.

Landry and Democrat Shawn Wilson were considered the front-runners in the crowded race to replace term-limited Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards. As the first major test for Republicans and Democrats ahead of the 2024 elections, the outcome could signal momentum for the GOP going into this year’s remaining races, as well as the presidential election year.

That there isn’t going to be a runoff election indicates that the people of Louisiana may have just about had it with the utter corruption and incompetence of the Democrats. The Louisiana legislature is solidly Republican, so look for a lot of initiatives shot down by Govno Edwards to be put forward in the next term.

Shawn Wilson received an endorsement from Bel Edwards early in the race, and told Fox News Digital earlier this week that his experience working across the aisle showed he had the ability to govern over a state made up largely of conservatives despite being a Democrat.

The problem is that people have seen how well Democrats govern, both in the State and on the Federal level. Louisiana sits on huge reserves of oil and gas. We’ve seen how Dementia Joe and his maladministration has been handling the development of these resources.

He’s declared war on fossil fuels and has been killing anything he can that would improve our energy reserves. I don’t think that the people of Louisiana trust the Democrats any longer. (Considering the century plus of Democrat corruption, they probably should have voted them all out 20 years ago)

Landry told Fox in an interview early on in the race that it was time to end Democrat rule over the state, and ran on a platform of bringing crime in Louisiana under control, as well as improving Louisiana’s standing in areas like education and the economy compared to other Southern states.

Louisiana has a long history of problems in these areas and frankly, they shouldn’t. If Governor-Elect Landry and the Republicans can improve things for people, and I hope they can, The Democrats might find themselves in the wilderness for a long while. Of course, you can count on the Biden Maladministration to do everything they can to screw up the works.

Democrats and Republicans face more tough races this year, including a contentious gubernatorial election in Kentucky and elections to determine control of the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates. Both are scheduled for November.

Kentucky should be interesting. The current govno is a Democrat and went full tyrant during the Panicdemic. The legislature is Republican controlled and has been putting forward bills to the govno that are generally fairly popular. The Govno has vetoed them.

Virginia is another interesting race. The Democrats lost the governor’s race and control of one of the houses of the legislature. The other is now up and the Democrats have been angering a large segment of the state’s voters, especially on the 2dn Amendment. When the Democrats had full control, they started moving to strip away people’s 2nd Amendment rights, to the point that there was a real chance that the citizens of the state would violently remove them from office. Then there is the issue of the Democrats actively protecting rapists and groomers in the schools.

Virginia was one of the states that went full bore after the Educational Elites, especially after two girls were assaulted, (Another term would be raped), by a so called “Transgendered” male who was permitted by the school administration to enter the girls facilities. Instead of calling the police and having that criminal arrested, they tried to cover it up, including attempting to jail the father of one of the victims when he confronted the school board over it. I suspect there is a good chance that the state will flip red again, even with the Washington Progressives in Fairfax county.

Congratulations to Governor-Elect Landry. May you have a successful term and may the people of Louisiana see how things can be done without the Democrats screwing things up for everyone.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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